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Messages - jemo

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: AK550 DEAD, fully charged battery
« on: April 16, 2022, 12:14:35 PM »
Yes, I meant with this type of ignition, the 12V battery must be strained being on so much without the bike running.

Good point, the new AKs must have something that prevents one from opening the fuel or seat without a key present. On my last scooter you turned the key the opposite direction from Start and that allowed entry.

I suppose the learning point from all this is replace the fob battery every year whether you think it needs it or not.

General Discussion / Re: AK550 DEAD, fully charged battery
« on: April 16, 2022, 02:23:15 AM »
Thank you all for your help.  I guess it has to be the fob.  A little disheartening because the first fob lost it's battery about a month ago then this one that had never been used and altogether the bike is only a year old. 

More importantly, I had zero warning it was about to go out.  I guess I'll keep a spare battery in one of the cubby's but from the videos I've seen on swapping batteries, that's not an easy task either necessarily.  Now I know why the new AK's have an actual release for the seat and fuel so the ignition doesn't have to be on in order to open. I wish it could be retrofitted to ours.

On a similar vein, I always feel these batteries are under more strain because the ignition is on a lot without the bike running because I like to open the seat, put on my helmet or take it off while the bike is on the sidestand and obviously it can't be running on the side stand.  Very poor design.

General Discussion / AK550 DEAD, fully charged battery
« on: April 15, 2022, 10:29:27 PM »
I ride my AK550 daily, it's really my main transportation and yesterday I turned the ignition to 10 o'clock as I usually do and pushed the power button.  Nothing.  I plugged in the battery tender and the battery was a little low, left it overnight and went out again today.  Battery is fully charged and still completely dead.  Any ideas what may be going on?  Could it be the remote?  When I press the button, the LED light doesn't illuminate.  I can't remember if that means the battery is dead or alive.  Further, I put the fob on the dash in the spot and still nothing. 

Can I open the seat with a dead bike?  I'd like to get my things out of there.


General Discussion / Re: AK550 throttle adjustment
« on: February 28, 2022, 09:05:08 PM »
Tromper, there probably is more adjustment on the throttle bodies but a lot easier doing it from the lever side where you don't have to remove any plastic.

General Discussion / AK550 throttle adjustment
« on: February 28, 2022, 01:50:27 AM »
I bought my AK550 used with 4500 miles.  Runs great but one thing I noticed almost immediately is the throttle had at least 1/4" of play in it.  When I peeled back the rubber boot over the adjuster, it looked like someone had already messed with it, maybe the dealer...not sure.  I got it fixed and now it's how I like it but I was almost afraid I was going to run out of adjustment.  It took a bunch of adjustment to get it right.  Hoping I don't have to adjust at the throttle body or replace the cable over time as the cable stretches more.

Anyone else notice this on theirs?

Technical | How To / Re: Preparing to ride in cold temps
« on: January 25, 2022, 05:18:37 PM »
If you want handguards try these from AliExpress. Stuff may take up to a month to arrive from there but the price is usually right. I just received a storage box divider that I bought from AliExpress, ordered on Jan 9 and received yesterday (Jan 24) so not bad this time. They are terrible on package tracking but I guess that builds patience.

Will do, thanks again.

Technical | How To / Re: Kymco AK 550 tool added to the kit
« on: January 25, 2022, 05:16:43 PM »

Oil is really a subject for its own thread. But usually those become WAY too opinionated and WAY too long due to those differing opinions.
Having said that I will give my *opinion* here and that is all it is, though I think it based on some very important facts about the AK 550 and oil.
I was recommended by the dealer to use full synthetic. The service manual shows several viscosities that can be used based on expected temperature the AK will be operated in.
Here's my opinion: Since the AK 550 has a "wet clutch" (meaning the clutch is lubricated in the same oil that is from the main part of the engine) you should only use oils that are specified as being JASO MA/MA2 (JASO MA or JASO MA2). This spec is specific for motorcycles that have a wet clutch. I have read a great many horror stories about the clutch slipping because of oil that is not so specified, sometimes the only resolution is to change out the oil if the symptoms just started but other times the only solution is to replace the clutch pads.

Here is the thread I posted on my first oil change. I mistakenly posted it in the General sub forum and asked that it be moved but I guess it could not.

There are many other threads several pages into the General sub forum as well as several pages back in this Technical sub forum. Keep reading and see what you can see.

For sure, a controversial topic.  The previous owner of my AK used Amsoil synthetic for motorcycles.  The manual says to use Kymco oil.  Neither are that easy to find.

Technical | How To / Re: Preparing to ride in cold temps
« on: January 25, 2022, 03:34:01 PM »
On a similar note, has anyone found any universal handguards that work on the AK?  I know Puig has some but they're $150 and universal.  Anyone tried something from ebay or Amazon?

Technical | How To / Re: Kymco AK 550 bungee hook studs
« on: January 25, 2022, 03:30:57 PM »
Did you find hooks that worked in those studs?  Were you able to determine the thread and pitch?

Technical | How To / Re: Kymco AK 550 tool added to the kit
« on: January 25, 2022, 03:27:44 PM »
Thanks Bob, I just ordered both tools.  Which brand and weight oil do you use in the AK?

General Discussion / Re: AK550 Ignition Switch, I need a tutorial
« on: January 25, 2022, 03:16:52 PM »
You've been very helpful, thank you!

General Discussion / Re: AK550 Ignition Switch, I need a tutorial
« on: January 24, 2022, 10:08:37 PM »
RJS, you're a wealth of info.  I need to let all this digest, it's a lot to understand. 

I did install the app on my phone and will try to see how to turn off the Welcome Screen.  Right, how many scooters do you park next to anywhere?!  Zero. 

Would I find your other tutorials on using the Nav in the General Discussion forum?

General Discussion / Re: AK550 Ignition Switch, I need a tutorial
« on: January 24, 2022, 03:49:01 AM »
Thank you RJS so much.  I hope it becomes more intuitive.  I read your explanation twice (ha) but need to read it a few more times.  The first day I rode it to the store, I accidentally turned the knob to the left, the switch turned into a free wheel and I could NOT get it to power back on.  I saw the antenna symbol on the top of the right glove box and thought it must do something and by sheer luck, I figured out what you described.  Also turned out the fob had a dead battery.  Previous owner likely had no idea he kept the bike "on" all the time by always keeping it in keyless mode.  Might also explain why the battery had trouble starting this morning, the battery voltage was 11.7. 

When I was stranded at the store, I searched youtube for an explanation and the only video I found was about 45 seconds long and the guy was frustrated with the ignition and showing how it wouldn't respond.  He said he ultimately traded the AK in for a TMax.  Do you remember where you saw the video showing what you explained as a little extra reinforcement?  I still don't understand why the dial when it's engaged won't spin counterclockwise to the seat open selector.  The dial won't spin past the 8 oclock position like I mentioned.  Or does it require a little extra effort?  I am afraid to break the dial.

General Discussion / AK550 Ignition Switch, I need a tutorial
« on: January 24, 2022, 02:23:29 AM »
I just bought a used 2021 AK550 and have thoroughly read the owner's manual to understand the ignition switch.  The original owner just kept it in the keyless mode and didn't understand how to use the fob to power up the bike.

I understand turn to the right ignition switch and that's for the keyless mode and when you turn counterclockwise, it allows the knob to free spin.  Put it at about the 10 o'clock position in the detent, press the power/seat lift button and it lights up blue.  Got it.

1. How do you open the seat without starting the bike? The ignition bezel says to "push" but when the switch dial is engaged, it goes to about the 8 o'clock position and stops. I've tried pushing firmly and it won't budge counter clockwise any further.  The manual says you can manually open the seat but how?

2. What is the purpose of the keyless mode?  The manual says don't keep it in that mode and walk away for one reason because it will run the battery.  How do you all use this mode?

I can see why the new ST model has a whole different set-up.  I'm a little pessimistic in the long run this ignition is going to be reliable, I know it can be replaced but still....wonder if the new ignition switch on the ST and the dedicated buttons for fuel door and seat can be moved over to an "older" AK? The fairings look the same, just the center console looks different.

Thanks for all the help.

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