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Messages - James-2021KymcoLike150i

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Yeah TJ Cycles are the only dealer in Austin TX and they can't get the parts. Agree the list doesn't seem that crazy, at least to have the scooter in operational order. I'll reach out to a couple of other dealers in TX. Thanks!

Thanks for the advice. I'll share the list of parts with Solano Cycle.

I only had the scooter for about a week before it was taken, and since I had just moved to the US (from Australia), I needed to social security number or drivers license before I could insure it, so didn't have insurance sorted yet sadly.

General Discussion / Parts for 2021 Like150i - Recovered from theft
« on: March 27, 2022, 09:47:13 PM »
Hi all!

My 2021 Kymco Like150i was stolen and recovered, however there has been a decent amount of damage and I need parts for the repair. My scooter's been sitting at TJ Cycles (Austin, TX) for the past 6 months as they haven't been able to source any Kymco parts from the supplier, and cannot provide any expected timeframe.

Seeking the community's recommendations about any options that I may not have explored? Kymco USA is not providing any expected timeframe for receiving/shipping parts, so I'm close to selling the non-functional scooter (which only has about 100 miles on the clock) and buying another brand new from scratch, which would be a shame.

Attached required part list that I'm seeking.

Advice is much appreciated! Thanks

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