« on: May 18, 2022, 09:30:58 PM »
Yes I have the stock carb, has been sitting all year, when I check the plug there is no fuel, than I clean the carb, than hit it, shake and touch everything, than do a little dance and it start, May stall 5 mins later than I do the dance again and May start if is in the mod..I have fuel pressure,spark etc, but a dry spark plug, you can only clean it so many times, something is not right, always spark plug is dry, so yes it is a guess that is why I want to try a cheap carb, I am surprised that no one has tried a carb off amizion , I know Kymco makes May items for artic cat but I can’t find which carb to cross over to, does anyone know what model and year it maybe on an artic cat. Thank you again for any help