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Messages - jimBOW

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Tires
« on: August 10, 2022, 06:28:20 PM »
Hello again, I am having a hell of a time finding tires for my 2016 K-Pipe 125.  The original tires are wearing and I live on a gravel road and would like to find a tire with a different tread.  Maybe a dual sport tire?  What is on the bike just ain't working for me.  The places I have contacted have many choices for the front tire but nothing for the back 3.50 17.  Any ideas would be appreciated

General Discussion / Electrical issues
« on: May 24, 2022, 03:21:26 AM »
Hi - new to forum - I laid down my 2016 K-Pipe on a gravel road the other day and somehow managed to tear out 3 of the 4 ignition wires.  I have a neighbor who can soder the connections but the only wire I have left connected is the black one - so I have a red (power) green? and black/grey and I don't know which wire goes to which connection.  Any ideas would be appreciated - also the dealer where I bought the bike 5+ years ago no longer deals or fixes Kymco - so nearest dealer is 50 miles away -

I tried to post a pic but no sure if it came through


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