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Messages - chimpymech

Pages: [1]
Technical | How To / Re: Agility 125 Starting, Sputtering, Stalling
« on: March 17, 2012, 10:56:10 PM »
I had the same problem, thought it was fuel but turned out to be a loose HT connection at the spark plug cap. To tighten the connection screw the cap onto the cable, i got 3 good turns and hey presto problem solved. Incidentally i'm going to change my spark plug and plug cap for NGK type as i've heard they are far better that Kymco original.

Agility 125 / Re: Abrupt Clutch Engagement
« on: January 22, 2012, 03:33:12 PM »
I suffered from these symptoms for a while [very violent clutch grab], I associated the problem with damp / cold weather. On investigation I found that the air intake pipe at the forward end of the crank case was doubled over, therefore there was no air flow through the case. I straightened the pipe [under the foot board] this allowed the crank case & clutch assembly to dry out - I can only presume that condensation was the cause of my sticky clutch action as the problem has completely disappeared [and never re-occurred] since [that was 10 months ago].

Hope this helps others!

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