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Messages - GSL

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People 50 / Re: Fuel filter assembly issue
« on: July 31, 2022, 08:20:28 PM »

Awesome. I have a few coworkers who were the same. Appreciate your service.


Yeah, not the best picture. Haven't tried starting fluid but, will give it a shot tomorrow.

So, i figured out the answer to my initial question, searching through some other posts, and apparently i have everything connected up correctly. Didn't realize that the assembly i took the picture of was the vacuum fuel pump. Therefore, i believe I'm actually missing an external/in line fuel filter.

At this point, carb is cleaned, fuel filter seems good. Realized I'm actually not getting spark. Got a new plug, still no spark. Have a new wire/assembly on order, coming tomorrow. Hoping the new wire will work BUT, lets say it doesn't. Any thoughts on other things I should consider? Possibly other parts that could be bad (or often go bad) causing this issue?



People 50 / Re: Fuel filter assembly issue
« on: July 30, 2022, 11:18:35 PM »
Thx Stig. Assuming you were/are a MEDEVAC pilot? I just hit the 1yr mark until retirement 😎 and apparently my wife already thinks I need projects to keep me busy….

People 50 / Fuel filter assembly issue
« on: July 30, 2022, 09:59:03 PM »

My wife just bought this People 50 and I've never worked on a scooter and its been over a decade since I've worked on anything so, please feel free to answer as if you're talking to a child, haha.

The scooter won't start; it sat for at least 2yrs before we bought it. Thus far I've drained/changed the battery, fuel and oil and have checked that I'm getting spark (at the spark plug, not sure how/where to check at the carb but, kinda hard regardless with just me). Figured it is a fuel flow issue. Therefore, I attempted to change the filter and I've read on this site that finding replacement filters is a pain. I'd like to go with an inline. As I've read on other posts, this is possible.

Looking at the filter housing, there are 4 ports.
#1 Fuel hose from tank to the filter housing
#2 Another port next to #1 which nothing was connected to (located on the rt side of scooter if your sitting on it)
#3 Fuel leading to the carburetor
#4 Port on top, which I believe is the vacuum line

I'm under the impression that the vacuum line isn't operating correctly, though it is not clogged, nor is the fitting on the carb. The fuel line from the tank isn't clogged either. I've also cleaned and rebuilt the carb at this point. Didn't see any major issues

My questions are:
What is supposed to be connected to #2 (if anything)?
What do I do with port #2 and with the vacuum line if I go to an inline filter?
Any other thoughts on what i should look into next as far as not starting?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

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