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Messages - jeffmines

Pages: [1]
Downtown 300 / Re: Main 15 amp blows
« on: August 28, 2022, 10:05:56 PM »
I have had mine off and on repeatedly to make mods. They are not mechanic-friendly but are doable. Your repair with heatshrink is righteous, no need to replace mirror assembly.

The lock nut (17 mm) is important to keep it where it needs to be. The 10 mm friction nut requires you grind the outside of a 10 mm socket so it will fit in the recess. There seems to be a spring washer under that nut so the mirror will swivel. It seems to lose its "spring" so you will just have to cinch it down once you have the mirror positioned. The left seems the worse one...

Thanks very much, Karl!

Downtown 300 / Main 15 amp blows
« on: August 25, 2022, 09:05:51 PM »
My Main 15 amp fails intermittently. I think I have isolated it to poor wiring at the front left turn signal. The prior owner must have cut the wires when trying to tighten the mirror, which continues to be loose. For now, I will remove this cold solder joint and re-join the wires and then heat shrink the join. Hopefully that resolves the issue. Long term, I’m thinking of replacing the left mirror assembly, which I assume includes the turn signal socket and wiring harness.
Has anyone ever replaced the mirror assembly?
Is it difficult?
Is this assembly even available?

Thank you!

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