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Messages - Can-Mex

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: fun with my 84 Nighthawk
« on: August 16, 2023, 02:26:22 PM »
Nice work Iahawk, you are an inspiration to the rest of us. I bet when you're done it will be very satisfying. Keep it coming.

General Discussion / Re: X-Town 300
« on: July 20, 2023, 08:31:33 PM »
Niel, I want a top case for my X-Town. Do you know the mount plate you used?

General Discussion / Re: Nickname for our bikes?
« on: December 22, 2022, 12:54:57 AM »
Those are nicknames in my opinion. My Ford Ranger was always "Betsy"

General Discussion / Nickname for our bikes?
« on: December 21, 2022, 03:25:34 PM »
I wanted to start a thread to see if anyone here has a nickname for their bikes... My People's S 125 I called Hardly because it sounded like Harley, and my X-Town 250i I've called Stormtrooper because it reminds me of Starwars Stormtroopers . Your thoughts?

General Discussion / Re: Brave Welshman - NSR
« on: December 21, 2022, 03:18:23 PM »
Congratulations on 40 years. It looks great, you have taken good care of her. Are you planning a special dinner or flowers? Lol. My, it looks cold there.

General Discussion / Re: Great news....
« on: November 19, 2022, 07:56:06 PM »
So I picked it up today and only drove it back to our gated community, still need plates for it which I'm going to get on Monday. First impressions are it's a good looking bike, people at the shop were giving me the thumbs up. After getting the low down I was on my way. First thing I noticed was it steared differently than my old people s 125 and a bit heavier, to be expected. I have to admit I was a bit shaky leaving the shop and turning onto a busy street. But it only took a few blocks to get a feel for it. I needed to get gas because only the reserve had fuel. It took 10.9 liters. Made my way home, about 5 km and drove around the big circle in our community, parked it. The wife noticed the big smile beaming from my face when I walked in the door. Family is visiting so I have to spend time with them before they leave tomorrow, but my heart is wishing to be out riding. :(
Lots of time to play more:)

General Discussion / Great news....
« on: November 18, 2022, 10:04:35 PM »
I have some great news to share, the X-Town 250i is in and I pick it up tomorrow at noon. So excited!
They called on Thursday but we were out of town with the sister in law and brother in law who are here visiting. We stayed at a swanky 5 star a half hour away. SIL gets great deals through her work.
Anyway, pictures and comments coming after a ride or two. Woo-hoo!

General Discussion / Re: Good news
« on: November 10, 2022, 02:46:50 PM »
Thanks Stig, pictures for sure. Having some wheels will give me a lot more freedom. Not to rub it in but it's 80 degrees at 9am today. Iahawk- you're right, the long wait will be worth it, I ordered it Aug 18th. I see you're in Iowa, I use to deal with a sister plant based in Waterloo.

General Discussion / Good news
« on: November 10, 2022, 02:36:50 AM »
I just found out yesterday from the Mexican Kymco dealership my X-Town is coming Nov 16th, next week. I am so excited. Good timing too because my sister in law is coming Sunday for a visit and is bringing my helmet, save me a few bucks. I always like saving a few bucks. I am trying not to get to far over my ski's until I see it with my own eyes. To be honest, I'm going to cry. Lol

General Discussion / Update from Mexico
« on: October 06, 2022, 04:42:27 PM »
I thought I would update you guys. So I ordered the X-Town 250i available in Mexico on August 18th and was told it would be 15-20 business days. After about 18 days I texted them and was informed the color I wanted wasn't here and it's going to be a few weeks to arrive.  So okay, wait. Then last week a friend who speaks Spanish called for me and they have no time line when it's coming. Super frustrated but it is Mexico so I just need to be patient. Bummer is they don't seem to care. Hopefully soon I will be able to share some exiting news that it's here. Stay tuned!!!!

General Discussion / Re: Kymco xtown 250i
« on: September 07, 2022, 05:55:12 AM »
Neil I got to know one thing, have you added any accessories to your xtown? I would like to personalize mine in some way, not going to bedazzled it. Lol. I will want a top case to hold a few things.

General Discussion / Re: Kymco xtown 250i
« on: September 06, 2022, 11:17:40 PM »
Hey Neil, the DTX350 is not offered through Kymco Mexico. The next size up is the Xciting S400 and then AK 550i. I picked the Xtown 250i because a majority of my driving will be in the city and feel it's small enough to maneuver around. But big enough to go on the highways. It seems to me the 250 is the exact same bike as the 300 minus not having ABS brakes and turn signals in the mirrors. Correct me if I am wrong, thanks.

General Discussion / Re: Kymco xtown 250i
« on: September 05, 2022, 06:00:03 PM »
Hey Neil, thanks. The roads in town are not to bad, certainly not like back home. They can be cobble stone or concrete or asphalt. Speed bumps everywhere,  some are built up quite high and drive over them and some are like a line of upside-down metal caps. The drainage is very poor so when it rains huge puddles form in low spots. I've only observed this so far, not yet actually driving the roads as my new kymco is on order. I am dying to get it and hit the roads. Of course it will be a learning curve figuring out the "rules" here. I better have my head on a swivel, it looks a little crazy when I've taken some cabs around town.

General Discussion / Re: Kymco xtown 250i
« on: September 04, 2022, 11:54:08 PM »
Thanks Stig, you are a stud on here for information.
Thanks Art, I will need that here.
Iahawk, just south of Cancun. It seem the safest with the amenities close by.

General Discussion / Kymco xtown 250i
« on: September 04, 2022, 03:51:40 PM »
Hello everyone. I have finally joined after owning a Kymco People S 125 since 2013. I have peek in here over the years to find information and you guys have helped me a lot, thank you!
I loved my People S 125 and did all my own maintence on it and I am not that mechanically inclined.
Recently I retired, sold everything including my kymco and moved to Mexico. I have ordered the X-Town 250i through Kymco Mexico and it will arrive in 20-25 business days.
I am having trouble finding information about the X-Town 250i. They are very popular in Argentina, Middle East, and Asia but not sold in USA, Canada, or UK which makes it hard to find anything in English.
Does anyone here know about this bike? Thank you!

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