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Messages - Passport Steve

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: DTX360 Aftermarket heated grips
« on: October 05, 2023, 10:45:09 AM »
The only slight issue I'm finding since getting it back is there is now an interference drag on the throttle action - it's like I've now got a mechanical cruise control!  My mechanic says it'll fix itself in time.  We'll see, I may get used to it, but if not, it may have to go back in.

Personally I wouldn't accept that. It needs to be free to move, surely? Potentially dangerous otherwise?

General Discussion / Re: Hazard/emergency lights - cool feature!
« on: October 05, 2023, 10:35:34 AM »
I'm UK-based too Steve and whilst in general I agree it's against the law, Highway Code rule 116 states:

"Hazard warning lights. These may be used when your vehicle is stationary, to warn that it is temporarily obstructing traffic. Never use them as an excuse for dangerous or illegal parking. You MUST NOT use hazard warning lights while driving or being towed unless you are on a motorway or unrestricted dual carriageway and you need to warn drivers behind you of a hazard or obstruction ahead. Only use them for long enough to ensure that your warning has been observed."

One other instance where I routinely use then whilst moving, and which I think only a pedantic cop would book you for, is those frequent occasions where I meet a horse and rider on twisty country lanes.  Once (slowly) past the rider I always give oncoming motorists a quick flash of the hazards to warn them of the impending hazard.

Yeah, I agree on that - we have deer wandering across the roads around here especially early evenings and sometimes ducks crossing by the village pond so I'll do it as well.

General Discussion / Re: Hazard/emergency lights - cool feature!
« on: October 05, 2023, 10:19:34 AM »
I just gotta try this.... will report....

Snap! Although use of hazards on a moving vehicle is a "must not" in the UK so I wouldn't do it anyway.

General Discussion / Re: DTX360 Aftermarket heated grips
« on: October 05, 2023, 10:17:47 AM »
Given the handguards not being suitable for handlebar mitts I opted for heated grips.

They're not offered as an official option in the UK (nor the Noodoe dash either - grrr) so I bought some cheap Oxford ones and had the dealer fit them. He didn't grumble and I didn't ask, so I don't know if he had any bother.

General Discussion / Re: Lcd screen brightness- kymco xtown 300 2022
« on: September 16, 2023, 02:47:16 PM »
No, but you might want to look into what they've done with the DT X360 as mine auto-dims at night and in tunnels. No idea where the sensor is though!

General Discussion / Re: DTX360 (320cc)
« on: September 11, 2023, 02:42:27 PM »
Pretty standard fare I guess Steve.  I got a Shad 37L fitted before I collected the bike, mirror extenders after a few months and when it goes in for it's 6 month service they're fitting me heated grips.  Think I'll stick with the standard fly screen as I like the look of it and don't mind the wind blast.

In a bit of a quandary for replacement tyres when the rear wears out as I can't get the OEM CSTs anywhere here.  Have you had to make this decision yet and if so, what did you go with?

Regarding tyres, no not yet. I will before too long though as I was told at the service that they're getting a bit low on tread. Will report back once I've looked into it

General Discussion / Re: DTX360 (320cc)
« on: September 11, 2023, 01:14:43 AM »
Nothing substantial. Got a box, heated grips, wide angle mirror and a screen extension.

Which actually sounds like a lot, I guess!

General Discussion / Re: DTX360 (320cc)
« on: September 10, 2023, 10:20:46 AM »
I do. Had my orange one for a year and just had the annual service.
What would you like to know?

General Discussion / Re: DTX360 - First Impressions
« on: June 02, 2023, 02:20:16 PM »
Another first impression.  For the first time since getting the DTX, I was out on it last night after dark and I was mightily impressed with the power and spread of the headlamps both on dip and on main beam!  Easily the best of any scooter I have owned and I can't, off hand, think of a motorcycle I've owned with a better nighttime front beam.  Hats off to Kymco.

Agreed. How Yamaha got the 2017 XMax so wrong in this important aspect, I'll never understand so it's nice to have my faith restored in scooter lights by Kymco.

Technical | How To / Re: keyless fob questions
« on: May 26, 2023, 01:41:20 PM »
Thanks, new CR2450 in the fob, works like new, can't believe they go dead that fast, I will have to keep my spare with the battery removed, I might also keep a spare battery in one of the glove boxes

My X360, now 9 months old, has the same set-up - no way to turn the fob off and there is the same glovebox marking.  So thanks all for the advice and hopefully I'll be ready when the current one dies.

Technical | How To / Re: keyless fob questions
« on: May 26, 2023, 01:37:31 PM »
Brit humor has never been my thing, every time I ever started to watch Holy Grail, I fell asleep 10 minutes in, maybe more, can't even remember other movie titles but I know I've maybe watched them all the way thru, they just aren't memorable to me

That's a shame.  What about Life of Brian though?  Surely that one?

Cleese is launching a stage version in London next year.  Think I'll try and get to that and join in with some of the lines!

Technical | How To / Re: keyless fob questions
« on: May 26, 2023, 01:35:04 PM »
Keep in mind, the younger generation, does not know who Monty Python is. 


Should be WHAT Monty Python is.    ;)

Downtown 300 / Re: DTX360 Review
« on: May 17, 2023, 11:33:48 AM »
Hi Steve and welcome to the Forum.  Loads of knowledgeable folk on here should you need help / advice on anything.  The bulk of the membership is North America based, but there a few of us in the UK and a number in the EU too.   Whereabouts in Blighty are you based?

2,500 miles?  Since you owned it?  How long have you had it?  Info and photos always welcome!  Also you may have read my DTX360 First Impressions post on here, what are your thoughts?

Thanks for the welcome.  I'm in Essex, UK and have had the X360 since September.  In years past my mileage has been as much as 12k a year but with working from home a fair bit and my office relocating to a bit closer to home (now only 25 miles instead of 35), it's really dropped off a cliff.  I'll post pics and update my profile when I can.

First thoughts on the forum - I have browsed a fair bit in the past and it does seem a bit US oriented but that's fair given the volumes of Kymcos we get here in the UK - when saying what I have, I usually get a "what?".  Shame, as the brand is a good one and my experience of the Kymasaki J300 over 3 years was really good except for Kwak UK and their dealers, who had no interest.

Downtown 300 / Re: DTX360 Review
« on: May 17, 2023, 10:04:04 AM »
Hi, first post here. 

I have a DT X360 320cc in orange.  It's my second Kymco, the first being a Kawasaki J300 SE  ;)

I'm on 2500miles on mine and loving it.  Powerful, comfortable, good storage.  Downsides for me are that the UK spec lacks Noodoe and so the dashboard, while clear, is really lacking in info and modern tech: shame.  Also, after a 2017 Xmax 300 and then a 2020 Forza 300 I am disappointed with the fuel consumption.  I am only getting around 80mpg whereas the Forza was high-80s and the frankly incredible engine in the Xmax 95mpg+.  On the other hand, the X360 is doing better than the J300 did (76mpg) but then that was nearly 10 years ago. 

Still, overall I rate the X360 better than the Forza as that was dull and lower-powered and the Xmax with very poor rear suspension and dangerous headlights.  I do miss my J300 though as that was both gorgeous IMHO and such a fun machine to ride.

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