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Messages - surfskatemoto

Pages: [1]
Technical | How To / Re: Leave the Center Stand on the Scooter?
« on: August 07, 2024, 09:37:27 PM »


Technical | How To / Re: Mushroom plug for flat tires
« on: August 07, 2024, 03:02:01 PM »
I use rope plugs

seems legit methodology

Thanks for that vid Randyo, i enjoyed it. I just have a ten dollar plug kit from Autozone.

Pump technology has come a long way. I bought this one here suggested in the video. There are better ones out now this size but with digital display, shuts off at desired pressure.

How do you embed a video? I'm not a fancy guy.

Technical | How To / Leave the Center Stand on the Scooter?
« on: August 06, 2024, 10:24:18 PM »
Yeah, I just hi centered the Kymco doing a wheelie over some rail road tracks. It was one of the best wheelies I ever did on that thing. I heard some noise while doing the wheelie and I guess the janky, old, rusty, (rat bike, 2009) centerstand had came down. I hi centered the landing and god was with me, it rolled back as I landed, kinda scary! Also, I come from sportbikes, racing style background, I always scrape the centerstand when cornering, and the lean angle is not extreme at all. I did crash a scooter one time in Taiwan doing this very same thing. What say ye wise old scooter sages? Axe the center stand? Or do some maintenence on it and tighten it up some how. I think mine is coming off.   

Technical | How To / Re: Kymco People 150 not starting?
« on: June 27, 2024, 06:07:43 PM »
I installed an obnoxiously bright led bulb in my Honda Helix...but I don't ride at night, so no concern with blinding others. I did it for my own increased visibility to others. Bright lights up front and a Brake Free helmet mounted led tail / brake light keeps the cagers away!

Is there an LED headlight that will be plug and play with the People 150? (no relays,etc)

Looks like a 3 pin plug?

This seems hella complicated..

Technical | How To / Re: Kymco People 150 not starting?
« on: June 25, 2024, 02:16:04 PM »
  In my opinion definitely go with a LED bulb. I changed out my X-Town 300i lights to LED, and the difference was unbelievable. I also had a People 150 back in 2010. I didn't change that light bulb, but I remember that getting the plastics apart on it was a pain. It would be worth the effort though. There are many different Led bulbs available on Amazon or E-Bay. Once you get the plastic apart it is a plug and play job. When I had my 2010 People apart, I installed amber Bulbs as running lights in the European turn signal locations. Once you get your new LED headlight adjusted properly, you will love it.

LED lamp, Thanks for that guys. Mr Mike, you don't have a brother Jonathan do you? Also, is there anyway to improve the worthless rear drum brake? Or, it is what it is. Front brake is good enough. Thanks again guys. Stig, still i owe you some pics.

Technical | How To / Re: Kymco People 150 not starting?
« on: June 24, 2024, 11:12:46 PM »
so it was the dreaded 'kill switch'??

YES! That is some Kook of the day sh1t right there! Better that then chasing down a coil, loose wire connection, etc.

Hey, does anyone know where to get a super bright headlight for this thing? Stock lamp burns yellow and dim, time for a freshie.

Technical | How To / Re: Kymco People 150 not starting?
« on: June 21, 2024, 03:59:26 PM »
Welcome to the forum!
We've all done it.....Kill Switch in correct position?

(Lucky get to ride the PCH! Superb road. I walked &  hitch-hiked it twice in '67. Big Sur!!)
Again,  Welcome here.

Whelp, umm..   it's back to running like a raped ape...   Thanks for your help fellas!

Technical | How To / Kymco People 150 not starting?
« on: June 20, 2024, 07:37:32 PM »
Greetings fellow Kymco enthusiasts. I have been riding a 2007 Kymco People 150 for about 5 years. NEVER, ever thought I would own a scooter but a buddy gave it to me with 2.9K miles, and now it has 9K. This thing is a serious ripper off the line, pretty much undefeated on the PCH here. (honestly, most folks cant ride) Thing always starts right up and purrs like a kitten. Kymco speedo says I hit 75 mph but it's not GPS verified, and feels more like 60mph. Anyhow last Saturday fired her up, rip up the coast to check waves, blast back home, purring like a kitten. Sunday morning, first time EVER, it will not start?? Just tried to jump it and it cranks and cranks but will not start. I know, gas, air, spark. Well it's got gas, new air filter, and I don't even know where the sparkplug is for this thing? I know how to work on cars, and rebuild a 2 stroke, but never worked on a scooter before. Any help or ideas would be appreciated. Go fast, and keep the rubber side down.

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