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Messages - dawnhowes

Pages: [1]
People 50 / Re: Auto Choke Resistance Values
« on: July 10, 2011, 11:55:42 PM »
I have a 50 2 stroke 1994 kymco people and have the same issues with a cold start. guys seem to be a step ahead of me and understand more then I do.
Where can I search to learn more about the bike...choke, auto choke install, OHM testing, etc, etc.

Is there a place in Hudson County NJ area to take a Kymco to get it looked at? I bought for a Great price but haven't had it looked at yet.

I'm also missing a Good gas doesn't close tight. I tried to have a new one ordered but was told they don't have 1994 Kymco Gas caps available...

any suggestions to get me started with my issues on choke and gas cap would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for you help. Your advice got me rolling in the correct direction. I found many sites where someone tested various brands.
I wanted to share what I found with anyone else interested:

-Mothers Back to Black...lots of reapplying needed
-Forever Black....may be better the above
-Black Wow....much better then above but cost $$$ and you only use a very little bit
-BLACK AGAIN...THE BEST for far.....with my research of others using all these brands.

I went with Black Again..I hope to be back and let ya know how it works.

thanks a bunch. I'll look into it.

the bike i bought was sitting i the sun for too long. Where it is usually black (in front of your knees and above the back wheel..the mud protector piece)  it is now all grey splotches.
Is there anything out there I can use to bring it back to black?

thanks in advance.

i'm very new to this forum, riding a bike, and learning what part does what.

I've learned i may have a choke issue because the bike will not not start up on cold mornings,

Where can I learn more on what I can do fix this issues. what part is the choke? Is the choke a part I can replace? ..

I know these sound like silly questions....please be patient with me as I am eager to learn as much as I well ride as much as I can.

Dawn :)

People 50 / need owners manual for 1994 kymco People 50cc 2 stroke
« on: June 04, 2011, 08:55:52 PM »
I am new to this forum. I hope to visit alot.
I just bought a 1994 kymco people 50cc 2 stroke for $300.

It seems to working just fine..for the most part..

I need to learn A LOT. I could use a maual. Does anyone know where I can download one?

thanks in advance.

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