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Messages - donny

Pages: [1]
Super 9 / Re: jetting for super 9 lc
« on: June 27, 2011, 06:29:33 AM »
thank you 4 reply. just finished a 700km rally this weekend scooter ran great held a strong 75-77 km per hr. only put new belt and rollers and red clutch springs ,which buried speedo on down hills and on good flats got me to  80km to cruise at, very pleased with scooter on its 1st long rally (the mad bastards scooter rally)  came in 6th. it was cool me and partner had matching blue 9's.

Super 9 / jetting for super 9 lc
« on: June 10, 2011, 08:50:39 PM »
Hi this is my first post here so HI! i recently got a super9 lc and have bought a tuned pipe, now i need to know what jetting our should i get another carburetor? and what type of air box do i need or can i mod the one on the scooter?

also fro surfing i see complaints about the head light, and completely agree on those dark country roads it is poor light. Is that a standard halogen bulb and could i by a stronger auto type replacement for better illumination?

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