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Messages - joharnois

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People 50 / Re: New S50 ... oil trasmission leaking ... [SOLVED]
« on: June 28, 2011, 12:31:56 AM »
Hi everyone !
very happy to tell you that my problem seems to be solved !
After a short run ... put the scooter on the central foof ...
open the filling bolt ... push the bike on his rear tire .. let the overflow goes out ...
a certain amount of gear oil went out ...  Replace the filling bolt ...

since then ...  everything is fine !
no spit on the tire while riding ... no spot on the garage oil ..  no visible hints of leaking ...
and the scooter is running fine !

thank you for your advice !

People 50 / Re: New S50 ... oil trasmission leaking ...
« on: June 15, 2011, 10:19:46 PM »
It is not a carb. vent or overflow is it?

In fact ... I don't know ...
I really noticed the leak last week-end by a tiny oily spot on the garage floor.
impossible then to know where it was coming from.
but I could see that the gear box was oily and the spot was under the filling bolt (but obviously not coming from there)

When you say its leaking from the transmission, where is the puddle? under the center stand or under the rear wheel hub? Remember, the only transmission with oil in it is in the rear wheel hub. You did not specify where the leak is.
Next ride  (a longer one this time ... about 1 hour / 30km)
I checked carefully when I stop the engine and put the scooter on the centerstand.
that's where I noticed that the oil seems to come from behind the air filter box...
could see a couple of droplets falling from that area.... run on the silver transmission gear down to the floor.

I then noticed a hose filled with pink oil (smells and really look like gear oil ... my old father thinks the same thing)
it's one of the hoses going being the black filter box ...
Those are my observations for now ...

I will surely verify next week-end the quantity of oil in the transmission gear (perhaps too much oil was put before delivering the scooter to me)
I will try to open the filling bolt when the scooter is at rest for 2-3 min. after the ride .... see if oil is overflowing by there ???

and ... contact the dealer to explain and have his opinion ... 

People 50 / Re: New S50 ... oil trasmission leaking ...
« on: June 15, 2011, 11:46:31 AM »
It's a brand new scooter ... only 100 km ...  :'(
in my manuel, the first service is at 300km.

seems like I will contact the dealer and go for the inspection sooner than expected.

thanks for your advice !

People 50 / Re: New S50 ... oil trasmission leaking ...
« on: June 13, 2011, 11:39:33 AM »
Thank you GM6969 for the videos ! :)
it will help me for sure

for the leaks ...
I've already checked and tightened the bolts...

I wonder though ...  Is it possible that this happens because there is too much oil ??

I have checked carefully and the oil is not coming out by the bolts
but rather seems to come from the end of a hose  ???
It doesn't leak at rest ...   
but only after a ride  :-[

thank you again

People 50 / New S50 ... oil trasmission leaking ...
« on: June 13, 2011, 12:24:36 AM »
Hi Everyone !
a newbie on the forum ... and on the "big motorcycle family" ...

I recently bought a People S50 (4T) ...   a silver beauty !  ;)
it gives me what I expected ...  Smooth, quiet drive scenery ... every thing is perfect ...
except for a leak of oil transmission ::)

Recently, I've noticed a little spot on the garage floor ...
I've since observed that after every ride ...  there's a "spilling" of transmission oil ...
the longer the drive ... the bigger it seems to be ... ???
only have done 100km since I've got it ...  gently driving it ....

I've read somewhere else that they tend to overfill the oil at delivery  ::)
and that this "linking" would be explain by this ...

What do you think ?  Should I contact the repair shop ?

excuse my bad English ... since I'm a frenchspoking person from Montréal (Quebec - Canada)
Thanks for your advice !!  :-*

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