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Messages - GatezUK

Pages: [1]
Technical | How To / How universal are kymco parts?
« on: December 24, 2011, 05:20:36 PM »
Hi all, I was just curious how universal the parts are?
 I need a set of new forks for a like 125 however I can't seem to find them anywhere. When I look at pictures of forks for other kymco vehicles, they look very similar. Are they the same forks? Or would they at least fit and work on my like 125?

Any help would be much appreciated, thanks

General Discussion / Re: So I have the kymco..
« on: June 29, 2011, 07:58:41 PM »
Thanks everyone. The last couple of days have been great.. I love riding. I really do.

I live in south east London, so all I have to rid is city roads wi potholes lol. But even so I love it.

I hope that soon I will find some nice country roads to ride on..
Everyone at this forum has been very welcoming though, and I'm grateful.

Thanks again everyone

General Discussion / So I have the kymco..
« on: June 26, 2011, 06:27:11 PM »
Eventually, after what seems like a lifetime, that was actually a week, I have now passed the CBT. An hour after passing it, I went out and purchased a kymco Like 125.
This was yesterday (Saturday afternoon) and today, I have not stopped finding excuses to ride it.

Before this I had never rode a bike before, and the difference between that and a car is unbelievable.
I can honestly say that I love it.

I'm still nervous when riding right now, but time will cure that.

It's great, I love my kymco. I will also try to upload some photo's at some point soon

General Discussion / Re: New to it all
« on: June 22, 2011, 07:56:01 PM »
I have a feeling I'm going to like this forum.
Thank you to everyone for their advice, and generally making me feel welcome. I'll be sure to keep everyone updated over the weekend of how my first couple of days went.
Thanks again.

General Discussion / Re: Newbie Question
« on: June 22, 2011, 07:52:41 PM »
Hey, know nothing about this car, or ride to be honest lol, just wanted to say that I hope you enjoy it when you get it.. Try post up some pics if you can.

General Discussion / New to it all
« on: June 21, 2011, 09:48:43 PM »
Hey everyone, just joined the forum so thought I'd introduce myself.

My names Dan, I live in south east London,UK

At the weekend I will be collecting my first ever bike, a kymco like 125. In fact at the weekend I will be taking my CBT. I have never even rode a bike before, but I am extremely excited as you can all imagine lol.
So what do I have to look forward to? Not just with my kymco, but riding aswell?

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