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Messages - ic32

Pages: [1]
People 50 / Re: What kind of mpg are you getting?
« on: August 11, 2011, 01:51:24 AM »
I'll see what I can figure out.  I would be surprised if I'm actually burning twice the normal amount of gas, since I see no exhaust at all and almost never even smell the exhaust.  Of course, I would have thought I would smell even a pinhole leak of gas, also...

People 50 / What kind of mpg are you getting?
« on: August 10, 2011, 12:22:36 PM »
I am second owner of a 2009 People 50 2T.  I got it with under 200km this summer, and have already put an additional 500km+ on the odometer.  My commute is about 52miles a week, and I end up putting a gallon of gas in every week.  ~52mpg isn't very impressive of fuel economy, particularly compared to the bike's original specs.

Does anyone have any thoughts about the best ways to regain fuel economy?

People 50 / People 50 2T - oil screen clean as part of break-in?
« on: July 21, 2011, 02:12:08 PM »
I recently bought a 2009 People 50 2T with less than 400km on it.  I suspect it had been sitting unused for at least a year (definitely most of it's life, since it's original owner purchased it in 2008).  I am fairly certain that the original owner never had the 300km service performed, so I'm trying to catch up on maintenance.

The manual directs that the two-stroke People 50 2T needs its oil filter/screen cleaned out at 300km.  Why? If there is no circulation of oil back into the tank, then there won't be any metal or other particulates collecting there except those introduced when I pour in the oil, right?

(I have a few other newbie questions, since this is both the first 2-stroke and the first motorbike that I've owned.  I'll post them separately.)

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