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Messages - super 88

Pages: [1]
Xciting 500 / Re: so sad today
« on: July 27, 2013, 02:15:58 AM »
Bummer. I had the same thing happen to me a couple of years ago, I'd only had the bike for a few months. Didn't break the windshield but did break the left mirror and scuffed her up.

On the bright side, you weren't riding when she fell over... the second time mine fell over, I was! Broke the left mirror again, and the left brake lever assembly, and scraped her up (and myself) pretty good.

My windshield is not a Givi, apparently it's a Kymco "genuine part" which my dealer replaced the stock windshield with, quite tall but plastic and didn't explode on either occasion.

Ah well, parts can be replaced, we can't - so let's all ride safely!

Xciting 500 / Re: tire crack
« on: August 02, 2011, 03:29:49 PM »
Thanks for your replies!

Actually JWTR, the tires are Maxxis - I sent them photos weeks ago and have yet to hear back from them.

Axy, you're obviously a road warrior with loads of experience, but I've had many experienced bikers have a look at the front tire up close, and they all say it's unsafe.  Of course , you have only seen the photos and haven't seen either tire up close and all the way around.

I cancelled my insurance this morning as times are tight for my kid and me. I can't afford new tires at this time.

I too have given up on contacting KYMCO CANADA - it's a one-way dead end street.

I've not yet given up working toward a solution via other means though. Thanks all for your replies, opinions and advice.  You've all been very helpful!

Xciting 500 / Re: tire crack
« on: August 01, 2011, 09:25:54 PM »
Rear tire pics...

Cracking along the bead:


Not as bad as the front tire, but at 1800 miles?  (The rear tire is better protected from light than the front, no doubt about that).  

I was surprised to learn that UV light can penetrate glass, such as that in my dealer's front window.  Apparently up to 97% 0f UVB is absorbed, allowing only 3% to pass through. However, it's a different story with UVA - only about 37% is filtered out, and the remainder (63% or roughly 2/3) freely penetrates straight through. Apparently, from what I've read, it's the UVA component that is nearest to the infrared spectrum (which can easily penetrate glass as well from what I've read online, and which apparently heats and thus dries rubber prematurely).  

I don't have exact dates on hand, but it seems that my scooter sat on display in the dealer's shop for at least one year. That's a lot of UVA and infrared exposure over a prolonged period. I've also learned that tires left sitting stagnant for such an extended period may be prone to premature cracking as well, as tires need "exercise" to help them retain their elasticity. I'm not sure how heating and air conditioning affect the elasticity of rubber, but it's pretty clear that both produce a very dry environment.

In any case, I'm now grounded. Happy trails to everyone here. Safe riding!

:Edited twice to get the UV-A and infrared bits sorted out due to conflicting information on the interwebs!:

Xciting 500 / Re: tire crack
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:50:41 PM »

I put on my high-powered reading specs and sure enough, the rear tire is showing the same symptoms, again only on one side of the tire, the same side as the front tire. I will post photos once my daughter comes home and snaps them. Not only is there delamination, but the same cracking right at the bead, although it is not as prominent on the rear tire as it is on the front tire.

I know the bike is 3 years old, and hence the tires must be as well.  When I purchased the bike, I asked if the dealer would bring in a 2010 model for me, but he made a convincing case for putting me over the curb on the 2008, saying that was is exactly the same bike, with the same full two year warranty, and he would move on the price.

Tires age was not something that even crossed my mind at the time I bought the bike.

I have since read about several cases where dealers were knowingly selling bikes with older tires on them, and not disclosing the pitfalls and dangers of this practice to the customer. In one case concerning Harley Davidsons that were subsequently involved in accidents on these older tires, the dealer was held responsible. The court found that it was incumbent upon the dealer to adequately explain the dangers associated with riding on older tires - something that they failed to do.

Similarly, my dealer never mentioned anything about the aging tires on my "new-with-full-factory-warranty" 2008 Xciting 500Ri.

Whenever an "old stock" new bike is sold - and I'm sure I'm neither the first nor the last customer to purchase an "old stock" new scooter - it would seem to me that the dealer should fully inform the customer of the possibility of premature tire failure - premature in the sense that failure can occur at very low mileage. My tires have 3000 km (1800 miles) on them, and now it appears that they both will need to be replaced.

Kymco Canada continues to insist that since tires are not covered under my warranty, I must absorb the full cost of replacing the front tire, and apparently the rear tire as well.

I love the bike, but in my estimation, Kymco Canada has failed in this instance to provide adequate customer information, service and consequently - satisfaction. Further, I feel that their "concern" for rider safety is woefully lacking, as demonstrated by the quote in the second post of this thread.

The bike has been sitting for three weeks, unridden, as I cannot afford a new front tire at this time, and now that I've seen the rear tire cracks today, it looks as though I will have to cancel my insurance and park the bike until I can scrape up the money to replace both tires.

So it looks like the riding season has already ended for me, unless Kymco Canada steps up to the plate to address the issue. Given my experience with them over the last three weeks, I just don't see this happening.

Xciting 500 / Re: tire crack
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:41:34 AM »
Its been two weeks and the MTO has not yet replied with an answer. BTW the director of parts and service for Kymco Canada has flipflopped on the safety issue, and now claims that he is not advising me that the tire is safe to ride on, nor has he signed a safety certificate to that end.

Yet they won't replace the tire, suggesting that I have damaged the tire by riding on it underinflated. I check tire pressure often, and these ones both keep their pressure very well. Even if that were the case, I think it is highly improbable that only one side of the tire would be so severely damaged, while the other side is still in perfect condition.

I think it's a sad reflection of Kymco Canada's commitment to customer satisfaction and safety.

The scary bit is that if I had simply accepted the original assessment by Kymco Canada - that the tire is safe to ride on, and had taken my kid out for a spin, hit a pothole... the consequences could have been catastrophic.

BTW Agent Bob, interesting theory. I had the same thought, and mentioned it to KC but received no reply in that regard.

Xciting 500 / Re: My 500Ri "Vanity" Mods - Just testing pics.
« on: July 12, 2011, 03:54:09 AM »
Now THAT is brilliant!!!

Xciting 500 / Re: tire crack
« on: July 10, 2011, 09:56:30 PM »
Thanks for checking, Hoolander. My neighbour had a bunch of his harley buds over this afternoon, and to a man, they all agree that the tire appears unsafe to ride on.

I will post the findings of the Ministry of Transport's safety inspection when it has been completed.

Xciting 500 / Re: tire crack
« on: July 10, 2011, 01:42:02 PM »
After much online research, the general concensus seems to be that a visible fault in the sidewall of a motorcycle or scooter indicates a tire which is unsafe to ride on.

I am will take the tire to a Minsitry of Transport inspection station to have it examined.

Thanks for all your replies  :)

Xciting 500 / Re: tire crack
« on: July 07, 2011, 11:56:34 PM »
Pics of the good side:

Xciting 500 / Re: tire crack
« on: July 07, 2011, 11:42:22 PM »
Hi Agent Bob,

Nope, never had a flat and the other side of the tire is in perfect condition. That's why I think it's gotta be a manufacturing defect - either that or the tire was improperly installed.

Thanks for your reply  :)

Xciting 500 / Re: tire crack
« on: July 07, 2011, 11:08:50 PM »
Thanks, Hoolander!

Would you guys feel safe running this tire on the highway at 120 kph? One good pothole and all bets are off.

Xciting 500 / Re: tire crack
« on: July 06, 2011, 06:59:20 PM »
Here's the official reply to me from Kymco Canada:

Hi Eugene,

I have spoken with Rui in regards to your tire and explained to him that
there is no safety issue with it at all.
This crack is just in the cosmetic layer of rubber put on the side of the
tire so that they can print the lettering on it.  This part has no
structural integrity.
From my understanding the tire is perfectly round ( meaning the belts have
not internally shifted ), does not vibrate,  holds air and does not loose
pressure, so it should be perfectly fine to ride on without any concern and
therefore does not warrant replacing.

Thanks for choosing KYMCO!


Dennis Heilman
Director of Parts & Service

I picked the bike up from my dealer this afternoon, and he noted that the air pressure in both tires was still fine.

Next stop: Ministry of Transportation

Xciting 500 / tire crack
« on: July 06, 2011, 12:26:46 AM »
Hi all, new guy here.

First off, I just want to say that I came across this forum shortly after purchasing a new old stock 2008 Xciting 500Ri last fall. It's been great to lurk around and read all of your opinions and advice about the bike, which I absolutely love.  It's become my main ride this spring and summer; I take it everywhere I go, rain or shine. There are almost 3000 kilometers on the odometer at this point.

I just became aware of a disconcerting issue over the weekend. A friend and I were looking at my bike; he was checking out the front brake disks when he noticed a crack in the front tire that goes all the way around the rim. It's right snug up against the rim, and almost invisible from a foot away.  However, it is definitely a crack all the way around the tire, easily seen in the pictures below.

I have no idea how long it's been there. I always maintain the tire pressure around 33 psi (it's the original Maxxis tire), so I'm stumped as to its origin. My thinking is that either the tire has a manufacturing defect, or was installed incorrectly, or just plain dried up while sitting in storage for two years before I bought it.

I took the bike to my dealer yesterday for inspection. He says that it's cosmetic, and nothing to worry about, but I can't feel safe driving the bike at superhighway speeds with a tire in such a state.  I've asked the dealer to contact Kymco Canada to see if the tire can be replaced under warranty, and he's yet to get back to me with a response. We'll see what happens.

In any case, I've learned that one needs to inspect one's tires very carefully, something that I will be doing much more diligently in the future.

Has anyone here ever come across a similar tire issue?

:Edited to add information:

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