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Messages - skatin

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Coolant
« on: August 10, 2011, 01:49:38 AM »
You can do that but make sure you get a coolant that contains no silicates! it will say on the bottle!!

Oops, I wish I had seen this thread earlier.  My scooter is overheating, I topped off the reserve with a store brand 50/50, just checked, the bottle says "low silicate product".  Hmmmmmmm........ is "low" okay?

People 250 / Re: Argh! new bike overheating
« on: August 10, 2011, 12:08:13 AM »
I'm in Santa Monica, CA.  The bike is 2009 People S 250.

People 250 / Re: Argh! new bike overheating
« on: August 09, 2011, 10:46:32 PM »
Okay, I found a partial fix today.

It was running really rough, like the oil needed to be changed, even though I changed it 100 miles ago, so I changed it again today, and put a high quality full synthetic this time (last time was cheap store brand).  That did the trick, runs very smooth again, but it still wants to overheat.  When accelerating from a stop, the temperature light blinks.  The engine now pings too, it's never done that.  Something is still wrong with it.  I haven't gotten the valves adjusted yet, can't afford it.  Would the valves being off cause it to ping and/or overheat?

I didn't check the oil filter, forgot again, I'm wondering if that could be the source of the engine running hotter than normal, maybe some blockage causing flow problems which causes overheating?

I don't have the money to put the bike in the shop, and I know they will charge me much more than probably needed.  This really bums me out.  All of the authorized Kymco service centers in my area are way overpriced, and have very negative reviews.

I'd appreciate any help with this, thanks.

People 250 / Re: Argh! new bike overheating
« on: August 08, 2011, 11:20:38 PM »
You've got a 2 year warranty.

I seriously doubt these guys will fix anything under warranty... "that's not covered, you owe us $$$$$$$"

I'm guessing you didn't check your valve adjustments?

Not yet, found a different mechanic to do it for $180, which is the best deal I can find in the area, but his online google reviews are all negative, so...... not sure what to do next.

People 250 / Re: Should I buy a People 250 S???
« on: August 08, 2011, 10:36:08 PM »
Tampa area?  You out in st pete?  I just left that area, I'm in Santa Monica now.

I wouldn't ride a scooter on the freeways in Tampa.  Grandma will run you over, then sue you for scratching the underbelly of her car...

People 250 / Re: Hi, Newby with Brand New People S 250
« on: August 08, 2011, 10:31:39 PM »
They should adjust it for you, ask them specifically at the initial maintenance.  I'm heavy too, I had them adjust mine when I first bought it.

People 250 / Argh! new bike overheating
« on: August 08, 2011, 10:28:20 PM »
If it wasn't for bad luck, I'd have none at all.

Just hit 800 miles, did the motor/gear oil change a week ago, rode the freeway for the first time a few days later, took it up to fast speed, now, a few days later, the red temp light is starting to come on.  I checked the coolant in the reserve, it was low, so I topped it off.

The bike definitely sounds different, something is wrong with it.  It's running rough now, serious loss of power, and overheats within a few minutes from a cold start.

I can't take it back to where I bought it, because those jerks wanted to charge me $525 just for the initial maintenance, which covers oil changes and adjusting the valves.  I ended up changing the oils myself.

I'm not much of a mechanic, so will have to find a different service center.  This is really frustrating, it's a new bike, I shouldn't be having this problem.

Oh well, rant off...

People 250 / Re: Top heavy?
« on: July 25, 2011, 07:28:08 PM »
... I've been increasingly aware that it feels top heavy ...

I thought that too.  I only have the motorcycle dmv permit, and to pass the test to get license, you have to go around a small circle, at slow speed.  I've been practicing, but it's nearly impossible, the bike feels top heavy, my arm muscles are very tight trying to take the tight turn, to no avail.  Then again, I weigh 280+ pounds, so maybe it's my fault it's top heavy  :o

People 250 / The scooter noob toolbox should contain...
« on: July 25, 2011, 05:34:43 PM »
Okay, total noob here, just bought the People 250 S, time for some maintenance, I'm a computer geek not a mechanic, the only tool I own is a Phillips head screw driver LOL

What do YOU have in your scooter toolbox?

I'm browsing through the manuals, trying to put together a list.  I'm probably re-inventing the wheel (again), and figured I should ask here.

So far: (I'm a noob, don't know accurate tool names, please correct me)

nice torque wrench
decent metric set
spark plug remover
spark plug cleaner
small funnel for engine oil
small funnel for gear oil
vom (volt-ohm multimeter)
compression gauge
gap tool
flash light

What else?

When you ride, do you carry an emergency kit?  If so, that's in it?


Thanks for the replies.  All very informative, I'm learning a lot.

I recently spent hours reading thru many of the threads on these forums, and I'm not the first to ask initial maintenance questions (I know, I should've done that first DOH! sorry).

I learned I should use regular oil for the first several oil changes, to allow the engine to finish breaking in, then later switch to full synthetic oil.  I downloaded all the service manuals to my laptop, and have been reading them.  The english is pretty funny, but the illustrations are excellent, detailed enough for most people, so even though I'm a computer geek, I'm thinking of giving the whole mechanic thing a try... will probably spill oil on the cat...

I just had an idea!  Since other scooter owners have learned to do it themselves, maybe I should find a local scooter group in my area, and start riding with them.  There are probably several riders that offer to do the valve job at very reasonable rates... I like this idea a lot.  I no longer trust the dealer.  I did google for riding groups in my area, there are several motorcycle groups that welcome scooters, but no scooter groups, so I think I'll go ahead and change both oils this week, then join a group for a ride this weekend.  Hopefully I'll make some new friends, and after a few rides, find somebody that does side work on scooters.  I'll be careful to join for the right reason, to make friends, and not just to find a mechanic!  Since I'm new to this area, I need friends anyways, so this could be good :)

btw the whole speedometer thing being off was annoying at first, but I've gotten used to it already.  There is a permanent speed trap/radar indicator nearby, that flashes when people are speeding, the zone is 35 mph, when the scooter indicates 45 mph, the sign flashes 37 mph, so I know it's off.  Since I always ride with the flow of traffic (my speed racer days are over), I'm not too worried about an accurate speedometer.  There are replacements/add-ons you can get, but I don't need it.

Another thought, for the cost of a normal $200 maintenance session, I could probably buy some of the tools I need to do most maintenance on the bike.  I think I'll start a new thread, to determine what tools a noob should buy...


Thanks for the responses.

The bike runs perfectly, nothing wrong with it.  I'm very happy with it.

The guy was telling me he had a meeting with the Kymco rep recently, and the rep highly recommends doing valve adjustments on all new Kymco's.  I find it hard to believe a brand new engine would need it.

I think I'll pick up some oil, and change it myself.  The Driver's Manual says use SAE 10W40.  I think I'll grab a high grade synthetic.  I live in Santa Monica, the weather is in the 60's all year round, so no extreme temps here.

Thanks for everyone's input!

Hi all, my first post here.

I bought the 2009 People S 250 last month, just hit 600 miles on it.  They told me to take it easy the first 600 miles, then bring it in for an initial maintenance.

I called the dealer today, the manager looked up my scooter's maintenance schedule, and informed me several things.  First, he told me I missed the initial 200? mile service, which I was never told about.

He said they need to adjust the valves, change the oil, and I assume they will do other things.  They told me it will cost me $525, which seems like a LOT to me.  I'm in Southern California, the dealer is in Venice, which is a pricy neighborhood.  I'm thinking about calling other dealers in less expensive neighborhoods, but wanted to check here first.

So, how much did you pay for you initial (200? mile) and the second (600 mile) maintenance?

Thanks, I appreciate any feedback.

btw I love my scooter!!!! :)

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