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Messages - alternatefox

Pages: [1]
People 50 / Re: K&N air filter model?
« on: August 23, 2011, 12:07:48 AM »
I see...  Thanks for letting me in on the noise increase.  I like mine nice and quiet so I will pass on this project afterall.

People 50 / K&N air filter model?
« on: August 22, 2011, 02:10:34 PM »
I keep hearing people talk about K&N filters, but nobody mentioned which filter they use. 
Is there a particular style that will just slide into the stock air filter box?  Or do you remove the airfilter box completely and put on a K&N filter as a stand alone?  I am interested in replacing my stock filter and get some better air flow.

People 50 / Re: Valve stem cap removal
« on: August 22, 2011, 02:02:49 PM »
Yep... pliers were the key.
Thanks guys.

People 50 / Re: Valve stem cap removal
« on: August 16, 2011, 01:14:03 AM »
Thanks...  pliers it is

People 50 / Valve stem cap removal
« on: August 14, 2011, 05:53:40 PM »
Hello guys.  I am just wondering if there is a special tool to remove the valve stem caps from the tires?  Mine don't seem too twist off and the cap itself infers using a thick flat head screw driver?
So, should I go buy this thick flathead screwdriver? or is there another specialized tool for the job.

People 50 / Re: Cup holder and speakers?
« on: August 12, 2011, 01:50:51 AM »
Thanks for the bluetooth helmet idea... I took a look, and they just don't seem for me.  Plus, they block my hearing more than I'd like so I am going to keep the speaker setup as my goal.

The toolbelt idea is a handy tip too... I imagine I could through a phone or wallet in there as well.

Thanks for your tips guys.

People 50 / Re: Cup holder and speakers?
« on: August 12, 2011, 01:47:53 AM »
Oddly enough, I was mildly considering this the other day too, if for no other reason than to have some music on as I was commuting in.  I quickly dismissed it though as being more work than it's worth.  I did add a motorcycle trunk case to my scooter yesterday though.  Picked it up for $20 at the Mile High Flea Market yesterday (I am in Denver too).

Very shiny... washing my scooter is one thing I haven't done yet.  Good find for $25.  I'll have to check out the flea market you speak of.  I would love to get some commuter music.  I was thinking of getting a tiny amp with a headphone jack and volume dial and carve out a spot near the glove box to put it... there is a lot of empty space back there.  It is a lot of work, but I'll just chalk it up to a learning experience.
PS.  If you want to get  a buddy seat... order one from to save $20 or so.

People 50 / Re: Cup holder and speakers?
« on: August 12, 2011, 01:43:00 AM »
I live on the Adriatic coast of Croatia, maybe 70 kms from Italian border, so Italian influence is quite strong here.
As you know, scoots are primary transportation tools for Italian urban city dwellers, and it is quite similar here.
The climate here is relatively mild (it rarely goes below freezing), so people use scoots for daily transport, never for the joy of riding. That is why American scooter club stories are a bit strange to me (we have motorcycle clubs here, but no scooter clubs, at least not that widespread, and scooter driving is usually not connected with the joy of riding, but pure utility).

You can see two up on 50 cc scoots, but 50 cc scoots are mostly driven by first-timers in the motorcycle world and kids that are 14-16 (when you are 16 you can drive 125 cc scoots).

I sold my car in 2002 and bought the new car again in Nov 2009, so I spent 7 full years driving only scooters. My gf and I have three scoots and I also had 750 cc Kawasaki.
I have hauled around everything on the scoots, from decorative stones and soil for the garden to two cats in pet transporters on the way to vet.
I drive 365 days/year and even have snow chains.
So, scoots serve purely utilitarian role in my life.  ;D

Cool... I have heard Croatia is pretty beautiful.  Ya, ideally I would be on something a little bigger, but in Denver, CO, once you breach the 50cc limit you are no longer allowed to park on the sidewalk, so a majority of people around here are driving a 50cc... rules, rules, rules :(

I was thinking about why there are scooter clubs over here and not over there.  I am wonder if it is because for the average American, scooters are not the norm.  Most people will have a car and then a scooter for "fun".  So, these scooter "outlaws" band together in hobbyist communities.  I doubt there are too many people in Denver that only have a scooter here (aside from me).

It snows here, but I doubt I'll be putting chains on my tires... may just take the bus those days.

People 50 / Re: Cup holder and speakers?
« on: August 07, 2011, 10:40:52 PM »
Sorry for the confusion... your English is pretty good, considering I had thought you were a native speaker.  

Yep, I am definitely "tricking it out" (as they say in the US) to a small extent.  I don't have a car, so it is more of a utility for me than a luxury, (though I do really enjoy driving it).  

My needs may be a little different as I use it for groceries (milk crate), errands, and the morning commute (hence the coffee cup holder).  I am looking into the feasability of running two 3" speakers from the front panel... we'll see if this project ever gets off the ground.  Until it does, I would still be interested to find out if anyone has done something similar.

PS. Axy, you should check out what some UKers and Japanese do to their scooters... North American atrocities pale in comparison.  What country are you from by the way? and do people ride two up on 50cc scooters there? or use scooters for getting groceries/errands? or is it strictly for the joy of riding?

People 50 / Re: Cup holder and speakers?
« on: August 07, 2011, 03:29:04 PM »
Axy, please read the original post before submitting a reply.  Had you read it, you would have come to the conclusion that what I am asking is related to speakers for a scooter and not wearing headphones on a scooter, which I agree, will greatly increase the risk of crash.

So to the original point... does anyone have any experience with cup holders or speakers on their People 50?


People 50 / Cup holder and speakers?
« on: August 07, 2011, 03:17:00 AM »
I just recently picked up a used 2007 People 50 2t and spent the first couple weeks getting the buddy seat (highly recommended) and a milk crate affixed to the scooter.  Now I am on to my next two projects... a cup holder and a speaker system.

Has anyone on the board added a cup holder to their 50?  And don't recommend to me the Scooter Logic hanging one... it looks silly and it is way to deep for a can or even travel mug.  Also, I live in Denver, and that thing will bounce right off the hook 3-4 times before I make it to work.

And even more intriguing... has anyone managed to hook up a speak system to the scooter.  I am just looking for something that I can hook up to my phone so I can listen navi directions and some podcasts.

I would be interested in seeing a photo of someone's set up if they have managed either of these.


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