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Messages - nu2scoot

Pages: [1]
Thanks, Karl.  That's what I was missing.  I figured it out last night when I tried holding both buttons and finally saw the Trip get zeroed.  Once I used the ADJ button to get it to ODO,  both buttons did get me into the set time.

I better write this down somewhere cause I know I'll forget next year...   :D

Push the ADJ button the number of times to get to the ODO. Then, push MODE and ADJ simultaneously and hold until the hours start flashing. Then push the ADJ button  to get the hours to read what you want. Then MODE and ADJ until the minutes flash. ADJ until the minutes are right. Then don't do anything until flashing stops and your time is set! Then ADJ until you get the odometer you want. Pushing just MODE will shift between Km and Miles.

Call me in the morning to see if this really works!


Yager GT 200i / Anyone know how to set the time on the Yager GT 200i
« on: June 20, 2013, 12:28:29 PM »
I have a Yager GT 200i and can never remember how to set the time after putting the battery back in after the winter.  There are 2 buttons: top (Mode) and bottom (Adj).  Pressing the top toggles between MPG and KPH, pressing the bottom toggles between ODO, Trip1, and Trip 2.  Pressing both button appears to do the function for the top or bottom buttons.  Hmm,  maybe I am just not pressing them at the same time?!?

I set it once and seemed easy but escapes me now.

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