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Messages - cochris

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Left Turner Almost Got Me
« on: January 18, 2012, 02:40:48 PM »
Having ridden for 40 years I am constantly surprised by the lack of perception drivers have.  I have blaze orange on the front of my motorcycle and the headlight is always on and I still get disrespected. 

I have found that looking into the drivers face for some indication of engagement and more importantly looking at the front wheels of the car.  If the wheel starts to rotate grab the brakes.  Trust no one.

keep safe

General Discussion / Re: Throttle stuck resulting in crash
« on: September 28, 2011, 02:52:47 PM »
I think we have identified the difference between theory and practice.  Given the window of opportunity of 3 seconds for identifying that something is very wrong and what to do next to avoid impact .  One may reasonably be expected to grab the brakes with enthusiasm which usually over rides  a well considered decision.

Better to scrape than to slam. 

I think    ;)

General Discussion / Re: Throttle stuck resulting in crash
« on: September 27, 2011, 07:54:49 PM »
Thanks for all of the responses.  Skin is growing back and I can freak out my friend by the two square feet of purple and magenta and green on my thigh.  I have been thinking of charging for a look as an homage to Tom Sawyer.  Maybe a web page?

After opening the airbox I saw that the pin on the carb slide had propped the slide open.  Lifting the slide with my finger and tapping the pin freed the slide.  I tried to get it to stick again with no luck.  Of course. 

So I will change my behavior and not do full open accellerations without a straight open road ahead of me.  We'll see how that works.  Maybe if I think of my scooter as my other bike, Vstrom 1000, and not hammer the throttle when in town.

I've got to scoot   :)


General Discussion / Throttle stuck resulting in crash
« on: September 27, 2011, 04:09:49 PM »
I've have a 2006 People 50 with about 4k mi. .

I've been riding motorcyles for over 40 years.

I accellerated from my drive and about 50 yards down the road as usual and approached a sweeping right hand turn so I closed the throttle. As usual.  What didn't happen was the throttle didn't close.  I was still accerating toward the turn.  I was heading to an impact .  I grabed the brakes and left skin and blood on the pavement but I didn't slam head on into anything.   Better to be run over than to be run into.   All this happened in about 3 seconds.  

I asked the local shop if there were any service bulletins about this and the (DB) said that is what the red kill switch is for.  Really? ... Really?  (DB!)

Over the years I have never had this happen with any of the several bikes I've owned and now I can see the shortcomings of not having a clutch.

Question:  Has anyone else experienced this kind of situation?  I don't think I can feel comfortable with an open throttle in the future.  Trust is hard to restore.

Update:  After healing up, the scar tissue and hemotoma will take some time to clear, I opened up the carb.  The slide had stuck open .  A little tap and it dropped back in place.  Since then I have had it stick open one other time not in a threatening situation this time.  I will be trying some spray carb cleaner with the thought that there is some "varnishing" of the slide which may be causing it to stick. Next would be a carb overhaul.  Riding and not accelerating with a full open throttle seems to work for now but not ideal. In town I prefer to ride the 3.5 hp scooter rather than my 90 hp road bike.  60 mph capability in first gear is not very useful with in town driving.

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