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Messages - Kieran

Pages: [1]
Agility 50 / Re: crashed today
« on: February 12, 2012, 10:18:19 AM »
a few weeks ago i was on my way to work, early morning and it was raining pretty bad. but i had to get to work so i took the sym out. well, i saw the needle hit close to 60 on a bend but it's so easily done you just totally overlook it. well, the back wheel was staring me right in the face and that's when i realised something wasn't right. next thing i know, i've hit the floor, the bikes skidded down the road and i just keep rolling. but i managed to walk away from it which i found to be amazing. when my boss asked if i'd been to hospital or anything, i was like "woah, martin, if you'd of come off anything at 60mph and walked away with a few bruises, you'd be counting your stars"

Agility 50 / Re: Do you ride backrest up or down?
« on: February 12, 2012, 10:12:16 AM »
i always used to ride with the backrest up. a few people have stopped me to tell me that the rest was up and i had to inform them that it was meant to be like that. i found that slouching while having the back rest up was the easiest way of riding.

Agility 125 / what's going on?!
« on: February 06, 2012, 11:31:19 AM »
now, i remember making a thread asking how i could make my agility 50 go faster than 35mph haha, well since then, i've somehow come to aquire a sym symply 125. i don't know if that's like frowned upon here or something, but i love that moped. when i first got it, i asked the bloke who dropped it off if it'd do 80mph as indicated on the speedo. obviously i haven't got a clue about bikes, because i purely ride it for the fun of it and of course for commuting, but he told me that with my height and weight, i'd have trouble getting more than 60mph out of it. well, imagine my excitement when barreling it down a dual-carriage way, i see with my own eyes, that speedo hit 75mph. it was windy that day too and i was shouting and screaming on that thing the whole way. but i did notice that those bikes just eat petrol when they're being caned like that. i drove on a 32 mile round trip and before i left i filled the tank to the brim for £6.50, with "super unleaded". when i got home i had a little under a quarter of a tank left. i can't wait for the summer to come around with no wind, so i can really let rip hahaha. well, i'm off, i've got a moped to thrash around :D

Agility 50 / Re: thanks guys
« on: November 10, 2011, 09:17:40 AM »
oh i see, thanks for the help guys. i definately need a new exhaust, that's for sure, as the stock one on it at the minute is severely rusted and well, it's an awful eyesore

Agility 50 / thanks guys
« on: November 08, 2011, 09:12:19 AM »
so i've got a 2010 agility again. i'm thinking because i'm new here, i should probably let you guys know my story. i've had three different kymco's believe it or not. i'm not a particular fan of them, because of how heavy they are and slow compared to a lot of other 50cc mopeds out there. anyway, i've had these bikes through a scheme called "Kickstart" which is a local charity set up in my area, to supply those who live too far from their place of work, a handy, cheap alternative to get to and from work, which is all at the price of £35 a week. But when i've paid off the price of the bike, i get to keep it, yeah? so it's like a loan on a bike i really didn't want, but it's handy all the same. Anyway, my first 2011 model got stolen outside of a library, my second bike they gave me was a 2010 model and that just conked out completely, rode it out to my friends one day and when i went to leave his, it just wouldn't start. and now i'm on to the third bike, which again, is another '10 plate. However, when i got it, it was of course limited to 30mph, and i wouldn't get a penny more out of it. But by searching these forums, i managed to cut the cdi box and now she's got a lot more extra power, i didn't even know was there. the cdi cutting job was pretty sketchy (used a carving knife and nearly sliced my fingers off), but now the beast can squeeze 36mph (according to the speedo anyway) on flat-land. anyway, the main question on my mind, was because i'm a complete stranger to these sorts of things, would you guys be able to recommend any good websites that sell the things i'd need to make this certain kymco go any faster? i'm in the uk too, so please no american websites. thanks in advance guys, and thanks for the tips on the cdi job too :D:D:D

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