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Messages - mikbak

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Technical | How To / Re: Seat lock broken on Like125
« on: November 26, 2013, 01:30:10 PM »
Thanks Stig for your pointers.

I removed the top box and sissy bar and saw the cable by the hole where the LH bolt was. Pulled it and the seat popped open.

Removed the pan and found that the cable barrel had slipped out , put it back with a retaining tie wrap which I extended using another so it can be accessed under the LH panel , it only takes a slight pull to trip the catch...

One happy wife here in West Wales now...

Technical | How To / Re: Seat lock broken on Like125
« on: November 23, 2013, 07:26:03 AM »
Thanks all, some good advice there.
The Like really is a good scoot and I often borrow it for my commute when I fancy some fun , rather than getting the Silverwing out.

I'll have a go at your suggestions.

In the mean time I've emailed Kymco for suggestions.

I have removed the lower slide out panel but nearly ripped my hand to pieces trying to get it up behind the lock protection panel.

This really is a poorly designed cheap lock mechanism, can someone post a pic of the their lock barrel mechanism where the cable starts from please , may help me.

The pic of the lock itself is really good , maybe wire coat hanger with loop will do it. Certainly something to try on a cold Saturday in Wales.

At least on my honda silverwing  I can get in via the rear light cluster, but mores the point the tank filler is not under the seat ...
Whatever you do guys / girls don't lock your keys under the seat... >:(

Wonder if anyone has ever tried to see if they could trip their lock before this sort of thing happens to them.

Technical | How To / Seat lock broken on Like125
« on: November 22, 2013, 04:20:14 PM »
Hiya all,
Great forum here and I am hoping someone can help me out.

My wife has a 125 Like with a broken seat latch.

The key goes in but rotates 360 degrees doing nothing.

I have had a look under the LH side panel and removed the bottom plastic.but the side panel seems to be held on with a multitude of immovable clips which look like they don't come apart.

Any ideas how I can get the panel off or the lock undone? .. as she can't fill up with petrol to get around.....

I phoned a Kymco dealer in Chester as we don't have one near in SW Wales ....but they couldn't help other than to say get the scoot up to them...

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