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Messages - rb250

Pages: [1]
Xciting 250 / Re: Help with slider install
« on: September 08, 2013, 11:41:33 AM »
I think your hitting the belt
if so
pry the clutch open a little pull the belt into the clutch and pull the belt forward to make room for the front pulley to drop all the way in
otherwise you are pinching the belt on the front pulley
good luck it should be real easy

Xciting 250 / Re: 18 gr sliders
« on: August 30, 2013, 12:21:36 PM »
my tomtom is dead on to the scoot
I have a few hundred mile driving with my gps and its right on

Xciting 250 / 18 gr sliders
« on: August 28, 2013, 09:17:53 PM »
at 7k on tach 70mph
at 75     75mph
and I can cruise at 80 but getting up there on the tach
anything below 60 is a dream

you guys don't talk much 

Technical | How To / Re: Roller weight to slider weight conversion
« on: August 21, 2013, 05:40:49 PM »
I just got 20x15  x18 gr sliders from partsforscooters,com a month ago ad they do what your looking for

Xciting 250 / Re: loud variator
« on: August 21, 2013, 05:27:50 PM »
ok so I pulled out the dr pulley ramp bushing, the 3 u shaped bushings on the plate,
there is a lot of play with them in but the oe kymco bushings are  tight
short ride around the block and most noise is gone I will ride on the highway later to see if its all better 
I left in the dr pulley sliders, I had installed 18gr and they are very good. I was on the highway a week ago 2 up and hit 80 miles an hour.
so far stock, 22gr sliders and 18gr sliders I think I like the 18s best the 22s were very mellow though

there is a speedo reset that is very easy
if you google it its real easy to do if you cant find it I will relook it up
my speedo didn't work the day after I purchased mine brand new
due to batt conection at the batt as I fixed that the speedo didn't work
my dealr was no help and I found it in no time on line
if im to late sorry man I didn't see the post or if its not that then my bad

Xciting 250 / Re: loud variator
« on: August 14, 2013, 01:40:19 AM »
ok now just a couple of things I do have a givi screen so its real big that lets you here a lot more engine noise then without
I also ran without the vari on the bike and its quiet
aslo the bike only has 1500 miles so there shouldn't ba anything worn
when coming to a stop you can here sliders/ rollers clanking after a couple of soft revs the vari seems to seat and they become quiet 
also when cruising anything under 60 its very quiet
won full throttle its very loud
maybe its just with the windscreen its that loud and im just a meathead

Xciting 250 / loud variator
« on: August 09, 2013, 11:12:10 PM »
why is my variator so loud  I have a people 250s and an xciting 250  vari on xc is very loud under maxed or near maxed speed,  was with the stock rollers and with sliders.   people is very smooth and quiet.  sliders are in correct and there is not enough parts to screw it up.  any ideas would be awesome its like the motor is coming apart when on the highway at speed bike only has 1500 miles on it at this time.  o ya it is s quiet around the middle of tach it seems electric

Xciting 250 / Re: Givi Airstar Windscreen
« on: July 10, 2013, 11:07:58 PM »
and one more

Xciting 250 / Re: Givi Airstar Windscreen
« on: July 10, 2013, 11:03:55 PM »
see if this works

Yager GT 200i / Re: Yager Rollers 16 gm or 17.5 gm?
« on: July 10, 2013, 10:00:20 PM »
thanks guys just wondering
I think its great how it is,  its way more relaxed on the hywy
it was way to easy to be way into redline before
also I have a large givi windscreen on it so top end is low 60s anyways
it doesn't have the hp to push that windscreen any faster
but rides great

Yager GT 200i / Re: Yager Rollers 16 gm or 17.5 gm?
« on: July 10, 2013, 02:43:54 PM »
ok have a question
just replaced the sliders in the yager and x250
x250 the belt rides on the both side pulleys a rest , seems to engage at about 2500, very nice
yager belt has a gap between the pulleys  I would assume that that is why it engages at aprox 35-4k dont like as much
yaker has less then 2000 miles so I would assume the belt is not worn that much

x250 23x18 x22 gram drpulley sliders
yager 20x15 x18 sliders
both bikes are better on the hywy but less take off
 so after all that is there a wider belt or is my belt worn that much
a lot of you are sounding like its normal to engage at 4k

Xciting 250 / Re: Givi Airstar Windscreen
« on: July 10, 2013, 12:09:59 AM »
just put my 293st on my 2010 x250 wow its very nice behind it.   I painted the bottom half black on the back side and looks very nice didn't like how big and clear it was, just sprayed the back side at the mirror cutouts down to the bottom with vht nighshades . if I can figure out picks I will get some up for tomorrow

Xciting 250 / Re: Variator Rollers
« on: July 10, 2013, 12:04:45 AM »
just put in 22gram dr pulley siders and its a diff bike between 30- 50 it feels like its elec,  no clanking very quiet and smooth prob dropped the tach at top speed by 700 - 1000 rpms also last trip in northern wi got 75 mpg 2 up.   only have 800 miles on bike so I didn't replace anything else
also did sliders on my wifes yager and same thing.    they both lost a little takeoff speed but well worth it

People 250 / Re: Aftermarket 2006 People 250 windshield?
« on: January 29, 2012, 05:04:28 PM »
just installed the givi windshield on mine and worked great, it is big though.  it just touches the turn signals but doesnt really interfere.looks great and gives a big pocket around you.
it is january in Mn so im not out driving on the road but at 20 mph underground its great. also put on yss rear shocks for a bigger load and they work great, also a shad 40 with the rack on top

givi is    438a windshield and a438a for the hardwear  about $190 shipped and tax
shad     sh40   $150 on sale
and yss rear shocks are    10001056   or part # 58-3913 from dennis kirk on line  ithink about $110

new guy to scootering always had motorcycles my whole life
just bought before winter and only have 200 miles on it
09 people s250

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