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Messages - Frank T

Pages: [1]
Some other things were also invented here, like writing pen, dural aluminum, a necktie, air ships ("zeppelins"), or even - a parachute.
Also a lot of "intangible" science principles, like double entry bookkeeping (accounting) and entire forensic science.
Also, fingerprinting technique.

The company I work for is renting working space in the factory where torpedo was invented and first made 150 years ago.
This company is called - "Torpedo". :)
It is 2 kms away from the place where I sit now.

Yet, you never hear about those things, which is a destiny of small nations...
I hope that at least people abroad know about Nikola Tesla.  ;)

What is so surprising about this kind of news? Our USA is made up of folks from all the country's of the world.
Our gene pool was very rich indeed.......for a while.

Go for it. Now i just need to go dig out all the new belts from behind my workbench that i threw across my garage in disgust when i found they didnt actually fit as they were supposed to. Must have at least 2-3 lying about gathering dust and cobwebs (there is no charge for this, the dust comes free).

Is there a rational for using a different length drive belt than stock? Does a longer one allow the variator to compress tighter and allow the belt to ride higher up in the pulley channel for decreased ratio/lower RPM at a given speed?????? AND..... vice versa with a shorter belt????

General Discussion / 03 Bet & Win carb
« on: March 03, 2012, 04:04:46 AM »
Anyone know what brand of carb Kymco used on the 2003 B&W 250? OR.... what size main jet was standard?


General Discussion / Re: Is warming up essential from cold start?
« on: February 29, 2012, 02:52:57 AM »
Simple, engines are essentially air pumps. An air compressor has a cylinder and piston just like a gasoline engine. So, the more air the engine pumps the more exhaust by volume exits the exhaust. More exhaust volume = more emissions.

Internal combustion or external combustion or compressed air. They all do the same work.

General Discussion / Re: Is warming up essential from cold start?
« on: February 26, 2012, 10:12:48 PM »

Im with Zombie in that they are more polluting in general  since they do give out more ppm's but given that they use less fuel and oil i assume that ove the year it would work out greener overall. I think  :-\

One reason that your V8 Suburban, that gets 12 mpg, TESTS out cleaner than your scooter is because they inject air into the exhaust to aid in after-combustion burning of hydrocarbons and to dilute the discharge so it looks like it is cleaner in exhaust gas analysis. Put an air pump on your scooter to blow air into the exhaust port and  mount a Cat then test.

Counter intuitive or not, given the choice of being locked in a garage with a running scooter or a running Suburban for 20 minutes..........

EVEN with scoots and bikes being less clean, they still make up about 2% of the measurable, not calculated, pollutants in the USA.

Taiwan has scooter lanes because they would rather trade the less efficient combustion by-products from 50cc scooters for the massive pollutants, congestion, grid lock and landfill gorging from cars and trucks also carrying one person.

My Stella scooter is a 150cc 2T that is EPA approved and there are new DIRECT GAS INJECTION  systems that make 2T engines EPA compliant.  Austria has recently approved a 2T outboard for use in their pristine alpine lakes.

It is curious that a post on an opinion about warming up an engine gets hijacked by environmentalism.

General Discussion / Re: Is warming up essential from cold start?
« on: February 26, 2012, 03:36:11 PM »
beleave me you can harm something like the crank it well bend if to much presure put on it.
I know because I have done it. Rideing with cold oil puts presure on parts that cant handle it.
So it all come down to( HOW LONG DO YOU WANT YOUR SCOOT TO LAST) :'(

I was a M/C dealer for 16 years and Ridden since 1962. My new, then,  1969 VW Beetle OWNER Manual  said to start the engine and drive off. It said that you get ZERO mpg while idling. I had never read or heard that message before.

Many of the OPINIONS expressed on this thread have merit, but my experience is that riding the machine with minimal warm up time has no adverse wear on an engine, especially when a synthetic oil is used and throttle is moderate.

If you live on a street where you have to enter a high speed roadway after only a few blocks of warm up riding, then it may be smart to use synthetic oil or find a different route allowing you to enter the higher speed street until your engine is warmed.

If your scoot does not have a carb warmer and/or automatic choke, consider going to a one size larger idle jet. Your bike will run better while still not warmed up completely. It is jetted unreasonably lean because of the application of automobile and truck pollution standards even though M/C and scooter exhaust contribute only about 2% of the vehicle pollution.

can you send pics?

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