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Messages - flier rider

Pages: [1]
LIKE 200i / Re: Like200i in the weather??
« on: April 09, 2013, 02:52:30 AM »
Hello, Its a late reply but I rode My black Like thru warm winter of 2012 in Indy where I live. My commute was about 25mi. RT. I only got caught in rain twice as I drove when inclement weather threatened. I kept it under a Motorcycle shed next to the security shack. covered it on threatning days. My temp. limit was around 35deg. in morning. Is kept in attached garage at home. Still loving the ride!

Ride Safe                             

LIKE 200i / Re: Oh no! Someone tipped over my scooter!
« on: October 31, 2012, 12:16:46 AM »
 I live in Indy.I have a Like 200 which I purchased July 2011. It has run flawlessly and only thing to come loose was the weatherstrip on topcase. I love the scoot, I have 4500 trouble-free miles so  far. Like you I had a hater push it over. My damage was confined to a broken mirror,(ordered replacement from dealer) and bent brake lever.(ditto).I was commuting to work when I purchased it, but retired in August. I enjoyed explaining to My Harley riding friends how I rode on 32 deg. mornings,(Proper gear). I Enjoy this forum and thought I'd put in my 2cents worth since activity has slowed.

Ride safe,         

LIKE 200i / Re: New here w/ my five day old like
« on: May 26, 2012, 09:18:34 PM »
Hello, I got my 200i last July in Indy. like you I was initially unimpressed with top end. I weigh 185# . After 1200 mi. it began to run a little better after break-in. It will top out a liitle over 60. I commute to work reg. on 40-45 mph roads. I do love the response and smoothness.  hope this helps. P.S. I added a windshield. :)

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