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Messages - xbillyx

Pages: [1]
People GT 300i / Re: Worth the 2K more than Yager?
« on: April 24, 2012, 02:35:39 PM »

What are you seeing as far as mpg for the two of them?

Downtown 300 / Downtown vs People (300)?
« on: April 23, 2012, 10:17:02 PM »
What are the main differences and reasons for buying each?

People GT 300i / Re: Worth the 2K more than Yager?
« on: April 23, 2012, 08:13:33 PM »
It's a big difference.
While the Yager is easier to use, more nimble (if you need a nimble scoot, Downtown is better
choice then the People) and will use less fuel.. the People (and Downtown) is a serious bike,
capable of high speeds, touring etc.

To each his own, but in this comparison, the Yager is just a great scoot, the People is something

But again, Downtown might be an even better choice if you're looking at the Yager in the first place.

Easier to use is a plus in my book.  The first step is to get my motorcycle license.  However, the fact that I've gleaned that the Yager shouldn't be taken on roads with speed limits above 55 mph could potentially be a problem.  If I decide I want to go on longer trips or go on the highway/interstate, I can't really do that on a Yager.

As someone previously pointed out I need to determine my needs.  I'm trying to do that but considering all of my options.  I really don't know if I'll feel the need or desire to take my scooter out on the highway.

People GT 300i / Re: Worth the 2K more than Yager?
« on: April 23, 2012, 08:10:21 PM »
You're getting a lot more bike, versatility and comfort with the 300.  I've owned a People 200 (which may be comparable to the Yager) and the 300 is, IMHO, better in every way you measure a bike.  It will carry you and your wife more easilly and with greater comfort.  Ultimately buy the bike you are most comfortable with.  The $2000 may be recouped to a degree if and when you sell the bike.   

Thanks.  That's a good way to look at it.  It makes sense that a scooter with a more powerful engine will more easily carry the two of us.  Most trips will probably be made by just me, although it wouldn't hurt to have too much power.

Do you think a short, thin female would be able to operate this scooter by herself?  I guess we can always find a dealer and test drive.

Yager GT 200i / Re: Yager vs. People 300
« on: April 23, 2012, 08:02:05 PM »
Thanks.  So, it looks like I'd need to stick to roads that are 55 mph or lower (maybe 60, but at the max) with the Yager.

So, if I plan to stay on roads below 60 mph the Yager would be sufficient; however, if I think I'll want to hop on any highways I should go with the People 300.

Makes sense.

People GT 300i / Worth the 2K more than Yager?
« on: April 22, 2012, 08:35:51 PM »
I am considering the People 300 and the Yager 200 (175).  My biggest concerns are top cruise speed and cost.  Is it worth it to pay the extra 2K and get the People 300 over the Yager?  I'm not positive whether I'll want to actually put in highway miles but I'm worried that getting a Yager would limit me to everything but highways (well, interstates).  Am I correct?

If it helps, my wife will be riding with me sometimes.  We're both short and lightweights.  My wife may operate the scooter herself sometimes as well.

Yager GT 200i / Yager vs. People 300
« on: April 22, 2012, 08:06:07 PM »
Hi there.  I'm brand new to this forum.  I live in St Petersburg, FL.

I've done a lot of research on scooters and have narrowed down my choices to the Yager and the People 300.  I'm torn between the two.  The Yager is 2K less expensive but the People seems to be a do-everything scooter, meaning I could take it on the Florida highways and keep up (65 mph in the urban areas and 70 mph in the rest of the state).  That said, however, I'm not sure whether or not I'll want to really do highway driving.  I assume the Yager can't really cut it on highways.

Is one better suited for shorter drivers?  I'm 5'7".  Are both comfortable for back seat riders?  My wife will be riding with sometimes.

I'd appreciate any feedback and tips.

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