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Messages - tr0id

Pages: [1]
Super 8 / Re: Super 8 50 2t 27ish mph
« on: May 01, 2012, 06:36:50 PM »
Ok all. I just talked directly to Kymco USA customer service and they said that US Kymco scooters should not have come with derestricted variators or jets. There was a batch in a shipment that were meant for overseas but accidentally came here. So the ones of you that had a scooter with the derestriction stuff under the seat got lucky. The rest of us didn't get lucky. It makes me feel better that this guy isn't being a douche and trying to rip me off. Still I could have used those thing for free. :D

Super 8 / Re: Super 8 50 2t 27ish mph
« on: April 30, 2012, 04:57:47 PM »
So now I need to know where to get a cheap var boss and main jet in case this dude doesn't give me the ones that came with my scooter. Also should I jet to an 82 or 85? or more? I live in Florida. Thanks guys!

Super 8 / Re: Super 8 50 2t 27ish mph
« on: April 30, 2012, 04:48:54 PM »
OK. So I got an email back from Kymco USA that said I needed to contact my dealer about de-restricting my scooter because they "cannot discuss any information on de-restricting my unit". They also said that no scooter should be sold with any de-restriction components or information left to the consumer. So that sucks. Now I have no backup when I go talk to that guy.

Super 8 / Re: Super 8 50 2t 27ish mph
« on: April 30, 2012, 05:04:40 AM »
THANKS PIMPY!!! I'm bouts to go outside right now and do that to see if that helps at all right now. :D Though I still haven't gotten the var and jet yet. Is this a bad idea to take the snorkel out before I do those things or will this help? I might just do it anyways.

Super 8 / Re: Super 8 50 2t 27ish mph
« on: April 29, 2012, 04:35:56 PM »
Oh also, does anyone feel like giving me some detailed instructions/pics on how to take out the snorkel from my air vent? I don't really know my way around scooters enough.

Super 8 / Re: Super 8 50 2t 27ish mph
« on: April 29, 2012, 12:29:17 AM »
I haven't went to get my part yet. I live in Florida. I wrote an email to Kymco today basically looking for written documentation that I could show this guy if he tries to douche me around any more. I'll keep you all posted on how it turns out. Also does anyone know the brand name of the clutch and variator that come stock on the 2011 Kymco 50 2t? My dad is coming to visit and he's gonna help me put the stuff on. So he's wanting to know what he can about the systems. Thanks guys!

Super 8 / Re: Super 8 50 2t 27ish mph
« on: April 27, 2012, 02:42:40 PM »
Yeah I just read about the var and jet being under the seat. I went and checked last night and I didn't get them so I'm gonna have to go back to the dealer and get them. That makes me mad, freaking jerk. Thanks guys! I'm hoping this will hook me up!

Super 8 / Re: Super 8 50 2t 27ish mph
« on: April 27, 2012, 03:52:10 AM »
Also I saw this on another post about the same scooter. "I took the shoulder unit out of the CVT" What does that mean? Is that the same as a spacer in the variator?

Super 8 / Super 8 50 2t 27ish mph
« on: April 27, 2012, 03:30:55 AM »
Ok I'm seeing quite a few of these subjects similar to my question but I thought I'd go ahead and ask anyway. To start off, I don't really know much about location of parts or terminology. I live in Daytona Beach, FL, I'm 195 lbs and I like long walks on the beach. My Super 8 only does 27 on flat ground. I JUST started reading around trying to find out what to do and how to do it. I read that the 2011 Super 8 50 2t doesn't a CDI. My manual says "Ignition type - DC-CDI". Does this just mean that the CDI isn't restricted? Because I looked today and couldn't find the pink/purple wires to cut. I'm looking to do some cheap mods to get my speed up. It sucks going 25-27mph on a 45mph road! Dude at my dealership said I need to get a new spacer for the variator. Should I just remove any spacers and leave them off? People are also talking about taking the snorkel? off in the air filter area. Any ideas? I'm gonna see about getting a new jet. Maual says it's a 16mm but people are talking about stock 65's. I don't know if they are just different measurements or what. Would I be looking for a 16mm 80 jet? I'm kinda cheezed that the CDI problem isn't one that I have. I was hoping for an easy speed increaser. Anyway, any cheap suggestions would help. Also if anyone can find any pics or give instructions that would be great too! Thanks a lot!

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