« on: July 21, 2021, 02:31:40 PM »
I have always read that one should never go over the red line (8k in the Yager) if you expect to get any life out of your scooter. My experience has been a little different. I regularly ride at and above the red line without any problems and still at 22K miles have no performance degradation.
The red line is an indication that maximum horsepower has reached and any higher rpm will mean less available horsepower to push the scooter but if you still have throttle left, use it! The motor is fine with that. Just don't go bumping the rev limiter which is about 9200rpm in the Yager. Your engine light will come on and you'll have to reset it and the limiter is telling you that valve damage is imminent if you continue. I have spent hours at 8500rpm (72mph) and the scoot seems perfectly happy. My top speed is about 76mph at the limiter, 65mph at redline, 8K.
Mine is a 2010 and if I could find another scoot with as much practical storage space, ergonomic comfort, performance and reliability as this Yager I would buy it but it's just not out there. I'm also looking for another Puig windshield but can't find that one either.
I'm going to ride this Yager until it dies but isn't showing any signs of it yet. BTW I keep it looking brand new, not a scratch on it!