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Messages - Tom Moy

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: How To Get A Non-Running Scooter to Dealership
« on: October 09, 2021, 06:52:21 PM »
No problem in Canada as I am a member of CAA (American Automobile Association) with coverage of my Maxi scooter and Sidecar. I have had them tow my rrig to the dealer several times over the years. I am allowed 4 tows a year of up to 200 Km.
Thus I have never had a problem getting my bike towed to my dealer who is about 40 miles distance from my residence.
You should check with your local AAA to see if they have a similar program coverage.

Tom Moy from Ontario Canada

Xciting 500 / Heated hand grips - Kymco 500ri
« on: May 04, 2021, 04:31:45 PM »
Has anyone added heated hand grips for their Kymco 500ri ?
I have a 2008 model and would like to have heated grips installed.
Any information would be helpful.

General Discussion / Re: Former KYMCO USA Technician
« on: October 02, 2020, 08:38:58 PM »

Can you tell me the best available heated grips that will fit a 2008 Kymko 500 ri scooter and where I can purchase them to be shipped to Ontario, CANADA.

Thanks for what ever help you can provide!

Tom Moy

Xciting 500 / Re: New scooter
« on: March 23, 2020, 04:31:12 PM »
I am sure once the weather gets better and we weather this Covid 19 issue you will enjoy riding your Kymco 500 Ri.

Hoping for a good warm summer so we can bike to Kingston for a visit to my sister in-law. Always enjoy the ride along Highway 2 through Prince Edward County.
Perhaps we touch base with one another to compare rides come July if things get better than the restrictions we are currently under.

Regards Tom Moy

Xciting 500 / Re: New scooter
« on: March 21, 2020, 02:38:56 PM »
I have a 2008 500ri that I bought in 2009 and unlike all reports I have seen on the two forums I monitor I have not had any problem in the 11 years I have owned it.
I would state that I always plug my Kymco into a Deltran trickle charger so I have never had a problem with starting, I did have to buy a new battery last year. But I figure that replacing a battery after 10 years is not bad as I have had more frequent battery replacement on the cars I have owned in my lifetime.

I did however, make a major conversion on the Kymco after I had owned it for 3 years. I added a permanent side car so my wife did not have to ride two up as she did not like sitting behind. We have enjoyed the many trips we have taken over the last seven years. Mind you since we live in Canada we do not generally ride from November to April as the weather and temperture are not pleasant at that time of year.

I maintain it by having the oil and filter changed every spring as well as wash and wax it at least once a season or more if road conditions dictate a more frequent schedule. I love my Kymco 500 and hope to keep riding for another half dozen years or so.

I guess I was lucky in my purchase of my Kymco scooter as I am definitely not mechanically inclined so I have relied on my dealer for all my servicing. and while he no longer sells scooters his service is great. The dealer has always sold Urals that come with sidecars and British Enfield Motorcycles he has helped me keep my scooter in good running order.

I am sure you will enjoy your scooter as much as I have.

Xciting 500 / Re: Another Exciting 500ri with starting problem..(SOLVED)
« on: January 18, 2020, 07:52:47 PM »
I have owned a Kymko 500RI for 11 years (2008 purchased in summer of 09) I had a new battery put in when I purchased and did not have to replace the Battery until the spring of 2019. Never had a starting problem as I keep it in my garage and plug it into a Deltran trickle charger whenever I am not riding. I generally do not ride between November and April as the temperatures and snow do not make for pleasant riding without wearing bulky cold weather attire,

Two years after purchasing my Kymko I decided to add a "Cosy" sidecar as my wife did not like riding seated behind me. The side car purchase and installation came in at about $1,000 less than the scooter however the wife finds it great as it has a popup cover in the event of rain and she can listen to music on her phone if she finds the ride boring.

I have not had any major repairs or maintenance issues. I do get both the oil & filter changed every spring. I use fuel stabilizer in the gas when storing for the winter and have it plugged into the battery charger all winter.  So I would say that I would most definitely buy another Kymko scooter in the future should I feel the need to replace my current ride.  As they say, don't fix what aint broke.

Love my ride.  I would post pictures but I believe the files are too large for posting more than 1.

Tom Moy
Ontario, Canada

Xciting 500 / Re: Looking to Buy: Xciting 500 questions & expectations
« on: November 01, 2019, 04:30:30 PM »
Do not check this forum very often! Thought I would give you my thoughts as a long time owner of a 2008 Kymco RI500 which I bought in summer of 2009.
Thus I have owned my Kymco for 10 years and am completely happy with this scooter. Two years after I purchased the bike I had a "Cosy" sidecar rig permanently installed so I could get my wife to ride with me on summer trips.
         Now I read that many people have had starting issues with this scooter brand due to cold weather. Wel I live in Mississauga Ontario Canada where it gets pretty cold in winter and I can say that I have never had a problem starting mu Kymco any November day I chose to do so. Also the only major parts I have ever had to replace on my scooter has been the battery. I had to replace the battery after the first year I owned the bike. This was before I bought a battery Deltran battery charger to which the scooter is plugged to when I am not riding the bike. I just replaced that battery this spring so I guess you should be able to get 8 plus years on a battery if it is hooked to a trickle charge when you are not riding.
          We don't use miles per hour in Canada but the first year I owned the scooter I did once push the speed up to 150- kilometers per hours on a nice straight strech of highway. Also even with a sidecar setup I have more that once come down Highway 403 off the Niagara escarpment where I had to maintain 130 km to keep up with traffic so there is great power available with the Kymco 500ri scooter.
           I do have the oil changed every spring as well as replacing the oil filter so the only other thing I do is I use premium gas in all its fill ups.
I would say I am one of the most pleased Kymco 500ri scooter owners. So if you wished to hear experiences of a long team Kymco owner I would recommend this scooter. The thing is that if you keep any scooter well maintained and cared for it should perform well for its owner under normal situations.
        I hope you enjoy your ride once you get it back into full running shape.

Xciting 500 / Re: Why did KYMCO stop making/selling the 500i?
« on: November 10, 2018, 05:20:22 PM »
I have owned a 2008 Kymko 500i scooter since 2009 and have never experienced any starting problems in the 9 years I have owned it.
I did replace the battery the second year of ownership and installed a sidecar that same season and I live in the north (Canada) in the Toronto area.
I generally ride until the end of October then winterize it and store for the winter in my garage. I do keep it plugged into a Deltran battery charger when
I am not riding so that may help eliminate the starting problem that I hear about on the scooter forums I am connected with.

I usually ride weekends with my wife in the side car to tour numerous backroads in southern Ontario.
You could say I love my Kymko 500i scooter which has been problem free for the past 9 years.

Tom Moy
Mississauga ON

I have used a product called  Kleen-flo (Armashine Tire Foam. When I have accidentally spilled gas on the black plastic  (which leaves a white residue after it is dried)
I spray on some of the tire foam and buff it with a soft rag and the black colouring is restored.

Bought this product in Canada at Napa Auto Parts.  It works so I will continue to use it when I wish to brighten the black plastic on my Kymko 500Ri scooter.

Tom Moy

Xciting 500 / Re: Indel Classic Rocket Sidecar
« on: January 04, 2015, 08:07:13 PM »
I have a 500 ri with a Cosy sidecar unit. It was installed by Old Vintage Cranks in Acton Ontario, Canada.
I am sure if you contact Ken Beach at Old Vintage Cranks he may be able to help you out. I will try to attach pictures of my rig.

Tom Moy

Xciting 500 / Re: Xiting 500 WOW! A few questions...
« on: March 20, 2014, 09:30:28 PM »
I bought a 2008 Kymko 500 in 2010  found it a good ride. However in 2012 I decided to add a side car as my wife did not wish to ride two up.
I am tuning 70 this year and would not trade that scooter for anything else. We have taken numerous trips and never encountered any problems.
I will admit that prior to adding the side car I had to right the scooter a couple times when I had to lay it down when coming to a stop on loose gravel.
It is a heavy bike and there is a trick to righting it when it has been laid down. The bike handles well and now with the sidecar configuration I do not
have to worry about loose gravel etc.

The best way to see if it is the scooter for you would be to take it for a spin to see how well it handles.

Regards in what ever your choice.

Xciting 500 / Re: Sidecars
« on: March 20, 2014, 09:17:58 PM »
I have a Kymko 500 with a sidecar that has been a great ride!

Xciting 500 / Re: maxed out my Xciting the other day!
« on: February 24, 2014, 06:56:04 AM »
The fastest I had ridden my Kymco 500ri was 155 kilometers per hour.
Sorry I don't know what the conversion to MPG and it is my understanding
that the speedo reads 10 km higher than the actual speed.

I will say that did not feel I was going too fast as the ride was so smooth, that I did
not realize how fast I was going until I looked at the speedometer!

I love the ride of my scooter!

In Ontario the max speed limit on two lane highways is 80 km.

Xciting 500 / Re: Pics of my new ride
« on: May 28, 2012, 06:23:49 AM »
The wife preferred sidecar to riding behind. Also great for grocery runs!

Xciting 500 / Pics of my new ride
« on: May 25, 2012, 01:12:34 AM »
Just thought I would post pics of my new ride!

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