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Messages - JPowers

Pages: [1]
People 50 / 2008 Peoples 50 2t smokes horribly.
« on: December 26, 2012, 05:10:40 AM »
I have a peoples 50 2t 2008 and it smokes so bad I got pulled over for it.
I have never put oil in my gas and always used the correct 2 cycle oil in the oil tank.
Never been on it's side.
Upon visual inspection of the pump and control cable, alll looks fine and functions properly.
Not showing excess oil at exhaust either, just tons of smoke.

 Any ideas?

People 50 / Re: 2010 like 50 stalls when hot
« on: August 21, 2012, 07:26:52 PM »
The scooter has had a factory speed kit installed, but nothing else.

Also the scooter stalls when you come to a stop after it gets hot(Like from riding full speed for 5 miles or so).

People 50 / 2010 like 50 stalls when hot
« on: August 20, 2012, 09:48:42 PM »
I have a 2010 like 50.
When it gets hot it stalls and is very hard to get restarted.
I have tried a new carb,cdi box,fuel filter and petcock.
I even changed the vacuum line from the petcock to the manifold.
It acts like it's starving for fuel when it happens, but seeing that it happens only when hot leads me towards an electronic problem.

      Any help will be greatly appreciated,


People 50 / Re: People 50 Starter won't turn.
« on: June 20, 2012, 08:48:16 PM »
I was using a pair of jumper cables.
Tried 3 known good strters in each way with same results.
All sound like something is binding

People 50 / Re: People 50 Starter won't turn.
« on: June 19, 2012, 10:42:47 PM »
I guess I wasn't clear.
With the starter on bike and straight wired it turns engine about one rev and sounds very strained.
With starter off bike it spins freely.

People 50 / Re: People 50 Starter won't turn.
« on: June 14, 2012, 08:21:50 PM »
Did regular maint., Scooter has 39000 kilometers, factory speed kit(Pulley bushing and jets).
Scooter started fine for over 3 years,Battery got low. Bought new battery worked fine , then one day it stopped starting with elec. start. Kicks on first kick every time.
Hit start switch and it turns over engine one rev. and stops.Lights get very dim.Sounds like something is binding up.
Tried good used bendix and starter, no difference.Straight wired starter and same thing.
Haven't tried relay or switch replacement yet. If you hit start switch with starter un plugged you hear relay click.
Could the little bushings that go in the side cover and engine that the bendix be worn enough to cause enough play to do this?
These bushings are the only thing I haven't changed.

People 50 / People 50 Starter won't turn.
« on: May 27, 2012, 10:53:10 PM »
Hi, I have a people 50 2t .
It started and worked fine for 3 years.
One day starter wont work.
New battery to make sure . You can hear relay clicking when switch is hit.
Engine turns over very slowly one revolution then stops. Lights get very dim when trying to start.
Tried 2 other good starters and same thing, very slow to turn and major power drain.
Checked gear starter engages and its ok.
Bendix works properly.
Variator weights were flatspotted, so I changed with new ones.

Any help?
Please reply .

Pages: [1]