Kinda hard to tell cuz I'm sitting here with friends while they watch a crappy movie, but I believe my noise is the same as the one in this link, the third video down.
Soon as my friends leave I'll turn up the volume and confirm hahaha
I checked out the video you mentioned, and to tell you the truth, the sound isn't that intense.
It comes and goes, and sounds more like something is bouncing around than something is rattling... it's hard to explain.
While I'm posting, there are a few patterns I've noticed:
- While riding the scooter with a cold engine, the wheels lose torque for a split second at a time. This happens every 4-5 seconds at random, and often isn't too serious. When this happens it sounds like the RPM drops a little and returns to normal as the wheels regain torque.
- Once the engine has warmed up, the issue seems to back off a little bit, and happens less.
- This issue occurs more frequently and worse in hot weather. I rode it this evening with temperatures in the mid 70s and it performed better than it has been.
- Easing up to speed helps to avoid causing the issue. If you ease up to speed and be gentle with the throttle, not opening it completely to accelerate, the issue occurs less frequently, and the moped performs better overall. Punching the gas, so to speak, only serves to make performance worse.
- The rattling stopped mid-ride and was replaced with a very faint but detectable buzzing noise. To experience this noise, go find a bicycle and begin spinning the back tire with the pedals, then grab a leaf and set the leaf just barely against the spinning rubber. The grinding-buzzing you hear is the closest sound I can describe. It was very, very faint.
- These sounds seem to be coming from the belt drive box.
Edit:The 'variator' seems to be the word of choice in this thread. I find no reference of it in the manual I printed off. Are there any threads/videos that detail how to maintain or replace a 'variator'?