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Messages - Jevid

Pages: [1]
Technical | How To / Re: People 250...where does this carburetor wire go?
« on: October 08, 2012, 08:48:02 PM »
Well I made it to work fine this morning so it still runs :)  I had everything apart this weekend to install a new belt & replaced my rollers with sliders, so it felt different this morning but I can't say if it was due to the belt & sliders or this wire. When I get home today, I'll plug it back in and see if I notice any difference. Thanks for the info!

Technical | How To / People 250...where does this carburetor wire go?
« on: October 08, 2012, 04:17:02 PM »
I've looked through my service manual and can't figure it out. Just to the right of the green wire, there is a nipple that looks like it would have a vacuum wire attached there, but maybe the yellow wire goes there? That seems like the obvious spot but I don't know for sure. Does anybody here have an idea?  This is on a 2007 People 250 (non-S) Thanks -

People 250 / Re: Slow speed turning - "tracking" feel
« on: July 24, 2012, 02:47:41 PM »
Yes, the shop that did it balanced it & gave the bike a general once over for me. The back tire has a little life left on it, but I'm having them replace it the end of next month so I'll have a new matched set   :)

People 250 / Re: Slow speed turning - "tracking" feel
« on: July 23, 2012, 09:16:05 PM »
Just a follow up to this thread. The culprit was my front tire. When  I bought the bike I looked at the tread on the tires, which was worn but not worn out, but I somehow missed looking at the "shape" of the front tire. Bottom line - it had been damaged by over inflation so had a raised ridge running down the center. This gave the tire a more "triangle" shape - and resulted in the grabbing feel in turns. Got a new tire put on and what a difference it makes. I'm a happy camper now  ;D

I was looking at some tires and noticed they come in either "P" or "S":

110/70P-16 or 110/70S-16

I looked at a speed rating chart online, and it indicated that P is 94mph/150kph and S is 112mph/180kph. If that is in fact the speed rating, it seems that the 110/70P-16 would be more than I doubt I'll ever get to 94mph on my P250!

The load rating chart I saw indicates 52 would be for 441lbs/200kg.

I am looking at the Metzeler Feelfree tire, for what it's worth.

Thanks -

General Discussion / Re: Does this tire look OK to you?
« on: July 16, 2012, 05:15:58 PM »
Kymco says for one person, the tires should be 1.75 kgf/cm2, which translates to 25 PSI, which is what I have it inflated to. I posted in another thread, but I notice that when I turn, depending on the circumstances - I get this sort of "grippy/tracky" feeling. I'm wondering if it isn't related to this. A new front tire doesn't seem that expensive, so perhaps I should just go ahead and get one. Now I just need to find someplace to install it :)

Thanks for the input, I appreciate it -

General Discussion / Does this tire look OK to you?
« on: July 16, 2012, 03:25:20 PM »
New scooter owner here. This is on my 2007 People 250. I don't know for sure what shape the front tire should be, but this doesn't seem right to me. I would have expected more of an even curve, not the "bulge" you see here. This is new to me so I'd appreciate any input. I'm putting in two links to some photos, not sure if that's the best way to share or not.

People 250 / Re: Slow speed turning - "tracking" feel
« on: July 13, 2012, 04:21:05 PM »
Thanks for the feedback. I pulled the trigger & bought it, the price was too good. Gave it the once over & put some more air in the tires before the maiden voyage. The front tire was 2lbs low, the back about 5. On the 20 mile ride home, it rode just fine. I think the comments about the bigger wheeled scooters handling more like a motorcycle is exactly it. The last scooter I rode, a few weeks ago, had smaller wheels and it definitely feels different. However -the bigger wheels & heavier weight of the bike made it handle very nicely on the freeway.  Also - my translations of the tire pressure from the owners manual indicate they should be 25 in front & rear - does that seem correct?

Thanks again -

People 250 / Slow speed turning - "tracking" feel
« on: July 10, 2012, 07:42:23 PM »
Test drove a 2007 People 250. It seemed to run very well but I have a question about something I noticed at slow speeds, like coming out of a u-turn, or maneuvering in a parking lot. There is this "tracking" kind of feel to it, like the front tire is in a groove in the pavement - even when it's not. The tire looks OK to me, perhaps it's under inflated, or, perhaps that's just the feeling you get from the particular geometry of this scooter. I was curious if current owners notice this, or if it's something to be wary of. If it's just under-inflation or a worn tire, that's not a big deal to me. But if it's an indication of a bigger problem (but I can't imagine what that would be?) then I would be concerned. Thanks in advance!

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