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Messages - Oldocrider

Pages: [1]
Grandvista 250 / Re: Grandvista blinking temperature gauge
« on: August 27, 2012, 01:34:15 AM »
Hi Mary k. I live in Orange County, California. I'm happy to pass on what I've learned. If anyone else has a flashing temp gauge it could mean a low coolent level. I'm lucky my engine didn't get fried.

Grandvista 250 / Grandvista blinking temperature gauge
« on: August 25, 2012, 10:11:51 PM »
A few weeks ago I posted problem with my temperature gauge blinking on and off. Sometimes the icon would disappear and sometime the temp segments. I was suspecting a cold solder joint. I also had a leaky water pump. Turns out the leaky water pump let a lot of air into the cooling system. I kept the reservoir topped up but air must have got in when it was very low before topping it up. Had the water pump replaced under warrantee. Flushed the cooling system, purged out the air and now gauge works perfectly and no leaks. Problem solved.

Grandvista 250 / Re: Temperature readout flashing
« on: July 24, 2012, 12:47:14 AM »
Bought it from original owner. He bought it new in Feb. Not sure if it is still under warrantee or if it's transferable. He only put ~2600 miles on it. He bought a big Yamaha V-Star. He's going bigger - I'm going smaller. I'm happy with my GV.

Grandvista 250 / Re: 2010 GV Pilot screw adjustment
« on: July 17, 2012, 03:14:53 AM »
Geez, thanks..for not saying "DUH", use a mirror.  Will be doing that tomorrow. Thanks

Grandvista 250 / 2010 GV Pilot screw adjustment
« on: July 17, 2012, 12:48:45 AM »
Hi guys.  Little things are starting to add up here. My GV idles pretty rough.  I'd like to adjust the pilot screw.  I can see where it is on the photo in the Service Manual but its impossible to see it in real life on the scoot.  I know where it is but without seeing it how do I even get a screwdriver on it?  It was running one notch over stop so I turned up the idle.  Now I'd like to see if an adjustment of the pilot screw would smooth it out a bit. Now I just noticed my water pump is seeping at the gasket. Bolts are tight. Will the fun ever stop!

Grandvista 250 / Re: Temperature readout flashing
« on: July 16, 2012, 04:36:13 AM »
I was afraid of that.  I think I'll just live with it for a while. Just got the scooter and rather not risk messing it up just yet. I can see frying that board. Just put another hundred mies on it today.  For the first time it died at idle at a stop sign.  Had to keep a little twist on the throttle at every stop light on the way home.  Now what? Guess I need to get a service manual so I can really get into it.  Went to school many years ago for auto mechanics.  Worked that trade for a few years. So, I'm pretty sure I can fix what's fixable mechanically. Electronics - no so much.  Thanks for you help in confirming my suspicions.

Grandvista 250 / Re: Temperature readout flashing
« on: July 15, 2012, 01:51:29 PM »
Hi Zombi. Thanks for the reply.  It's random. Makes no difference if I'm on smooth or rough pavement. Also some times it's just the temp icon, the temp segments, or the whole temp display. All the other displays are good. The temp display lights up with all the rest momentarily when the ignition is switched on. Sometimes it works normally for a while. Could it be a bad connection on the circuit board? Maybe a cold solder joint? Hoping its not. Not looking forward to disassembling the instrument panel. I wish the first owner had been more insistent to have it made right. It only has 2800 miles on it. I put 200 of that on yesterday.

Grandvista 250 / Temperature readout flashing
« on: July 15, 2012, 04:39:44 AM »
The temperature icon and gauge segments flash on and off on my 2010 GV. some times it just heat indicator segments and sometime it's the temp icon. Sometime it's both. Former owner says the sensor was replaced by the dealer. What's causing this and how can I fix it? BTW I checked with that dealer. His answer, "I donno".

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