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Messages - caesar170988

Pages: [1]
Agility 50 / Re: No wire to cut in the CDI ... HELP !
« on: August 17, 2012, 05:42:54 AM »
..all sounds good caesar...

...just keep a watch on that probably really measures @ 17mm...

..and that is getting kinda narrow..

..they might last a little longer on a 4t, but my super9 trashes those in about 2

i got the belt to see if it improves anything . if its all good i will get a gates kevlar belt PL30504 ( 30 euro )
idk if the stock belt is worn ... it has 14 000 km .

Agility 50 / Re: No wire to cut in the CDI ... HELP !
« on: August 16, 2012, 10:05:40 PM »
it had a big serial number on the case but it broke off from all the power grinding . it seems strange that the plug is white instead of green .
bought a chinese one for 10 euro today and got 5 km/h more ... also got a chinese belt 729 17.5 30 for 8 euro and some 5g rollers .
gonna install those tomorow and gonna sharpie the variator and the clutch + gonna shorten the boss to 37 mm
lets keep our fingers crossed .

Agility 50 / Re: No wire to cut in the CDI ... HELP !
« on: August 15, 2012, 11:00:13 PM »
Its a d.c cdi you need. Looks like maybe you filed it at too shallow an angle?

The cut you made with a saw is not deep enough. I did mine where you did but couldnt find it then did find the wire more to the r/h side of the pics you posted.

Mine goes between 42mph-45/46mph on flats on good days but if its wet or damp it can drop to 40mph.

The cdi cut normally adds around 2-3mph to top speed but it increases the max rpm allowed to 9000rpm from 7000-7500rpm on the uncut cdi.
u cant see from this pic but i cut 1/4 off the cdi until i found electronic parts in it . also , why is the plug white? maybe its a unrestricted cdi ... i got the scooter second hand ...
if mine goes 44 mph like this what is the point in cutting it and/or spending money on a jcosta ?

Agility 50 / Re: No wire to cut in the CDI ... HELP !
« on: August 15, 2012, 08:36:42 AM »

when i got it , it went 62 km/h max and after the variator it goes 65 km/h or 75 km/h if i roll it down a hill first ( down hill it goes 80+ but i guess it messes up the restrictions )
as i said , the boss was allready smooth and i found no wire in the cdi . i got a repair set for the 80cc carb and am gonna put the jets in mine .
thinking of getting a jcosta variator ( 85 euros ) or a malossi ( 65 euro ) with dr pulley sliders ( 20 euro ) , a new kevlar belt and some clutch springs .
should i buy a race cdi ? tried a chinesse one ( 8 euros )  and it blew the fuses . is this cdi AC or DC and what is the difference ?

thank you all so much for the help !

Agility 50 / No wire to cut in the CDI ... HELP !
« on: August 14, 2012, 03:38:00 PM »
got an a 50 a couple of months ago , crashed it into the side of a station wagon ( totaled the car ) and now i got it up and running . wanted to derestrict it ( great guide streido )
Got a new variator with a smooth boss ( made in taiwan , 10$ ) but the one that was in the scooter was allready smooth .
wanted to cut the cdi
after long hours with a file lost patience and got a power sander . went 1/4 way through and no wire . struck gold ( or plastic and copper ) and gave up when i hit some parts . cdi is still restricted but works .
what do i do next ?
wanted to attach some pics but cant ( newbie )

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