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Messages - wil55n

Pages: [1]
Some scoots are broken in right and some are not, that's one reason. And yes, weight of the rider has a lot to do with it too... This is an international forum and a lot of riders here are bigger and heavier than you are.   In my opinion, most 125cc's average 60mph or around other factors

Yea, that sounds fair.

Agility 125 / Re: Agility 125 saddle bags
« on: September 14, 2012, 01:31:18 AM »
I too am interested in saddle bags that would fit the 125 without modification.. would have preferred hard plastic ones but they seem to be rarer.

I've had an Agility RS 125 for about 500kms now.

I'm very suprised to hear the responses on this thread.
The reason being, my RS 125 gets up to 90km/h without much of struggle.
From there, it takes awhile to gather speed, but I can get to 100km/h again, without much fuss.
The highest I achived was 110km/h which was on a fairly flat motorway but with lots of wind.

I'm 180cm tall, 70 kgs and I dont ride tucked in. I sit upright as that is why I bought the scooter as an alternative to my bike.
All figures are speedo indicated figures so +/- 10km or so.

I'm not trying to show off, I'm just confused that there's such a big difference to what others are reporting here.
Maybe the top speeds decrease with increased engine usage? or maybe Im alot lighter than the average rider?

Agility 125 / Helmet Hooks - How sturdy are they?
« on: September 13, 2012, 11:50:08 PM »
Has anyone here broken their helmet hooks underneath the seat?
I noticed that mine appears to only be made of plastic and when my helmet is hooked on it, it is a very tight fit.
I hope it isn't easily broken?

Agility 125 / Re: One week old Agility 125 -- trouble starting??
« on: September 03, 2012, 01:43:31 AM »
I bought an Agility RS 125 (Australian model) 2 weeks ago.
I noticed that it has a bit of trouble starting.

When it is cold and hasnt been started in a few days, it can take me a good 5-15 attempts to start it. However I considered this to be normal for a carberuetted bike. What suprises me though, is that I can ride the bike around for an hour, stop it, then attempt to start it again a few a few minutes, only to have 5-10 attempts before starting up again. On some occasions it starts first go perfectly, cold or not.

It's quite inconsistent which leads me to believe that it is poor auto-choking, or something along those lines.

Would twisting the throttle help at all?
And as the OP asked, do other owners have this same issue?

Ah I see, great thanks for clarifying that up.

When I switch from low beam to high beam (and vice versa) the headlights actually switch off as the lights switch beams. This leaves me in the dark for a few moments. It also means that when I flash people quickly, my lights are just turning on and off rather than going low to high quickly. Note that I have an RS 125 (Australian model). Does anyone else have this issue?

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