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Messages - pretzelz

Pages: [1]
Agility 125 / Re: My moped stinks of petrol! What should I do?
« on: March 11, 2016, 08:51:10 PM »
Thanks, I'll try putting less in and see what happens

Agility 125 / My moped stinks of petrol! What should I do?
« on: March 08, 2016, 08:30:02 PM »
Dear all, my kymco is now 7 years old. And since last last summer, it seems to stink of petrol. Literally walking within a few meters of it, the air smells strongly.

Whilst there seems to be no leak on the ground, I cleaned with a scrubbing sponge what looked like congealed petrol vapour from the area around the back near where you lift the seat up. I think that helped, but its coming back. But most recently, I'm seeing what looks like (petrol?) seeping out - as indicated by the yellow line in the attached picture.

I know that I have over filled the tank slightly, on many occasions over the last 7 years of ownership. I always try and put as much petrol in as possible, to cover the daily trips I make. But when I looked more closely tonight at the petrol station, it seems there's a protective area around the petrol entrance like a drip tray, when perhaps petrol might settle. Otherwise i was thinking maybe this occasional overspill of petrol may have gathered and pooled inside the moped (under the tank?) and just got really smelly and too much of it, over the 7 years. I even thought about perhaps making a small hole somewhere, if appropriate, to drain any out. But perhaps the garage should take care of this?

It looked pretty black and gunky in the whole area above the rear wheel (no mud guard) so maybe petrol has gradually been settling and mixing over things here too?

What should I do?

Many thanks!

Technical | How To / Damp - just couldn't start the Agility 125 today :(
« on: January 29, 2013, 06:02:51 PM »
Hello all,

It' been really wet and *windy* over the last few days, and I also came off yesterday morning coming out of a slippery turn in the country. A few bits of casing came off, but 8 hours later it started up just fine at the end of the day, to take me home from work.

This morning I spent 15 minutes trying to start it.... the ignition fires, and I hear just a little base like the engine is trying to catch on... but any more trying and I'm sure it'll kill the battery. The strange thing was however, across the 15 minutes, I heard three BANG/POPs emmit from exhaust while try to start it up. Rather worried about that...  I do love the moped, its done me very well since I've had it. But I have been a bit relaxed about covering it up in the rain, in recent months. Fingers crossed now its covered up that it'll start again... I'd love to avoid having to take it to a mechanic and fear the worst...   Certainly in the last few weeks I've had a few times where it's been difficult to start up (engine not catching on) where the weather has been very damp. I'm hoping it just needs some time to dry out.

Any thoughts?

Agility 125 / Re: Solar powered LED lights for your wheels?
« on: April 25, 2010, 11:06:34 PM »
nobody, was just for at night, although if it illuminated during the day then who cares nobody would notice

Agility 125 / Re: Rather urgent - Where is the spark plug hidden?
« on: April 25, 2010, 11:05:37 PM »
rather glad it didn't

Agility 125 / Re: Rather urgent - Where is the spark plug hidden?
« on: April 25, 2010, 05:34:49 PM »
If interested, here's the low down on my frustrating day...

First thanks Hoolander for all the information. Unfortunately right now I'm not in a position to be able to do those things as a) I simply don't have the time (am finishing assignments for the last year of a postgrad course) and b) this is my only form of transport at the moment and as such need to get it fixed asap, which unfortunately means taking it to a shop.     ...Had this happened any other time then I would have spent a while looking into all those other possibilities as I would like to become much more self reliant to fix things and troubleshoot them.

So, four and a half hours later and a cut finger, of trying to replace a spark plug, it's done. And unsuccessful.

I finally managed to get the old (15 month) spark plug out with the wrench socket. The end of it did look black. Not oily but definately black all round the tip of the thread. to Halfords I went, bought the nearest one that was recommended to me (called a NGK C7HSA when the one recommended for agility 125 is apparently an CR7HSA - the guy said the R stands for resistive and won't make any difference)

Got home, put the new one in, wasn't too sure about how to secure the rubber cap back into the whole and within a few seconds had broken the cable off that feeds into this rubber cap. (as you'll see in the attached pictures).

While I was there holding a lead with just wires sticking out of it and the new spark plug in it's socket, I thought I would hold them together and try starting the moped. No luck, not even a spark.

I tried reputting the cable back into the rubber cap and plugging this back into the spark plug socket. Still no luck. (It was a case of screwing the exposed cable into the cap to connect that back up again)

Now unfortunately I'll have to take it to a shop, as I presume it wasn't the spark plug at fault, even though the old one was black. That means I'll be cycling across town for the next few days as I even find a gap to take it to the dealer (or my local car mecanic, wonder if he will do it?)

The attached pictures show my old spark plug and the cable that I had accidently snapped out of the rubber plug socket.

Still interested in your insight to the situation... perhaps there was something I still did wrong with regards to the new spark plug?


Agility 125 / Re: Rather urgent - Where is the spark plug hidden?
« on: April 25, 2010, 02:44:37 PM »
Success, used a socket wrench with 2 attachments onto the cylinder piece.

This is first time I've ever changed a spark plug.

So now I'm looking at the spark plug and wondering what sort of condition it is in and whether thats an indication of the problem.

Agility 125 / Re: Rather urgent - Where is the spark plug hidden?
« on: April 25, 2010, 01:26:17 PM »
Thanks, that service manual clarified things somewhat as was having alot of trouble locating which one was the spark plug cap, as they didn't show it in the picture with the cap on it.   Now I'm stuck again, I've put the cylinder into the socket and put a screw driver through the cylinder to lever it round with force but it will not budge. Any more pressure and I'll bend the screw driver. Should I get out an old impact wrench I have somewhere and try that? I'm at this stage (see photo attached)

Agility 125 / Re: Solar powered LED lights for your wheels?
« on: April 24, 2010, 09:33:38 PM »
The issue with a tilt switch as I understand it, is that it is OFF at a certain angle (eg horizontal) and ON at another angle. This means when you pull back into the drive way and your wheels aren't in the OFF position, your lights will remain on.

Agility 125 / Re: Rather urgent - Where is the spark plug hidden?
« on: April 24, 2010, 09:31:54 PM »
Thanks I shall attempt the spark plug tomorrow. Failing that though I think I'll have to take it to the dealer because I don't know how to do all the other things and this is my only transport at the moment so need it fixed fast.

Agility 125 / Solar powered LED lights for your wheels?
« on: April 24, 2010, 08:31:57 PM »
Hi All, this is in addition to my earlier post (as my Agility 125 is currently work, need to check spark plug but hey ho)

So my idea is this, for some LED wheel lights. (And yes I know about led valve caps from ebay, tried them and they lasted a month)

I've bought 2 of these solar powered LED lights from ebay:

I plan to cable-tie them onto each wheel. However, I don't want to manually turn them on or off each time before a journey, so I thought how about replacing the switch with a tiny motion-activated switch?

Something like this for example:

But I really don't know how suitable it is for this purpose, and if the voltage requirements or whatever would be feasible! There is another similar switch on that website at half the cost too.

Any ideas?

Agility 125 / Re: Rather urgent - Where is the spark plug hidden?
« on: April 24, 2010, 08:24:13 PM »
Thanks very much for the link to the manuals. I had a look through some and couldn't find Agility 125 as such. Instead I found something called a B&W which looked reasonably similiar, and that said to taken the central front cover off. Well since I didn't see a cover at the front, I guess I'll have to take the whole thing off somehow. Does sound too accessable. Let's just hope it is behind that cover!  :-\

Agility 125 / Rather urgent - Where is the spark plug hidden?
« on: April 24, 2010, 06:07:35 PM »
Hi all,

My 15 month old agility 125 suddenly won't start. The electric ignition is sounding just fine and there's air coming from the exhaust when I do, but something's gone completely a miss. The engine won't catch at all. Strange as it was running sweet as a nut up till now, but I turn it on next morning and I get this.

I've got a little tool set that came with it, not sure where the manual is at the moment but have heard its not that useful anyway.

So at the moment just trying to locate the spark plug. Contrary to what I've heard others say, I don't see a compartment infront of the seat that can be opened, in case it's in there. Need to get back on the road asap. Hoping this will be the problem.

Many thanks.

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