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Messages - redhandmoto

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General Discussion / Re: ..kinda dead here...
« on: December 09, 2012, 05:22:43 PM »
Vespa forums suck, 99.9% of the folk on them are assholes who have no personality and wont help anyone out. I joined at least 5 of them but dropped out after less than 5 posts due to the members and their attitudes.

Thats like saying black folks deal crack???

I ride a Vespa and believe me, i am far from a snob. Most Vespa forum members = snobs. Most of the club and rally events are the same, i avoid them like the plague.

Vespites here (and I was one) sometimes tend to be...a little doctrinaire, a tad chauvinistic when it comes to waving the brand-flag.  Damned things are very expensive in the US.  It can sometimes be hard to obtain parts in a reasonable time, and the attitude of Piaggio USA is unhelpful.  Style/form/fashion/brand pride are bigger factors than sheer function & reliability.
In Britain and continental Europe, I should think that ownership, infrastructure, and support are all much easier, and that the brand does not necessarily carry quite the iconic status that it does here.

Scooters still seem quite cultish in the US compared to here so maybe things will improve as more riders buy more scooters?

Yeah, the US never had a culture wherein scoots were simply basic transport as in Europe.  A bit of one has developed around urban centers where many new immigrants buy inexpensive Chinese 49s for getting around.  For most of the "mainstream" population, they're recreational/style/occasional-use things, though consideration is slooowly turning toward them as 'alternative' main transport, and more use them consistently that way.

I hear you, Sir.  The 946 is simple gorgeous, the best of Italian design.  Butttt...the Piaggio problem is somewhat greater in N America because we are less than 1.5% of Piaggio's global sales.  They don't give a crap because they don't have to.  When I had a GTS 250ie, I watched my local dealer throw a clipboard across the room after calling Piaggio trying to get parts. 

They still have production fumbles - when the GTS 300s first came out, complaints were heard about rust coming throught the paint, inadequate priming & sealing.  Then there were the endless recalls for fuel pump faults, the designed-in unfixable headshake, etc., etc.

Some rumors have it coming out in Britain at 8,500 quid.  Whatever, it won't be had for five.

I actually thought about getting a P200E from a recognized restoration company, but I can no longer do even the minimal wrenching needed to keep a 2T in proper form and would like to have the reliability of fuel injection.

There are the Genuine scoots (re-badged PGOs from Taiwan); I once had a carbed 150 and they are quite good bikes.  They now have an EFI 170; the styling is...not quite, as you say, and because we've already "done" PGO, would like to give Kymco a try. 

Oh, for lotsa reasons, I'm sworn-off anything from Piaggio USA. 
The Quarantasei (946) is a beautiful machine, but at it's price point, a hyperexpensive limited-production fashion accessory, proudly advertised and sold as such.  Got no quibble with anybody buys one: why not?  Some people can afford expensive things of ordinary usefulness but very high fashion; Omega watches, Mercedes autos, like that.  I can't; might if I could.  At a (rumored) production of 10,000 units worldwide in two flavors (125/150cc), there'll be plenty of folks with the geetas to keep 946 prices high.  Jay Leno will have two.

Horse-traded my wife's Honda Met yesterday -  she didn't ride it enough to keep the fuel system clear of condensed water.  Even with adding adding Sta-bil, I still had to purge the carb/lines once a month); got her a 2013 EFI Yamaha Classic Vino 49.  Niiiice, much peppier machine - whipped it around town all afternoon.  Excellent for her - I just need a touch more power, whence the Compagno 110i interest.

Thank you, bleys.

Actually, whilst at the Big Four dealer today horsetrading on another machine, I called Customer Service at Kymco US Intergalactic Headquarters, and left a message asking what the ETA was with the Compagno.

Very nice lady called me back witin the hour and advised that the Compagno would be hitting showroom floors in April, 2013.

Ah'own hold mah horses - Southern, for abiding with patience.

I am, oh, 5'11", and being old and traditional-looking myself, I prefer that style in scoots.  Because the Like 50 and Like 200i share the same platform style/size, I sat on the 50 to see what the fit would be like on the 200.   S'ok. 

Health issues dictate that I'm gonna have to go smaller-framed scoot for now and maybe always.  Styling of most maxis is not to my taste, but they are wonderful perfomers.

Ok , howsasbout anybody overseas?  Any of the breathren from Taiwan have one?  Somebody must have one.

The deal is that I'm an old man and new health issues have forced sell-off of the motorcycle.  There are now  limits to what I can physically handle, but not riding at all is bad for you, all we all certainly know.

So my replacement short list (having had PGO/Genuines, Vespas, Hondas, Yamahas, and wanting to try something 'new') is for a mostly-around-town, traditionally-styled scoot with a little more snap and top-end than a 50.  Considered the Symba Cub clone, but...nah.  Also looked hard at the Like 220i, but I really think - if the plastic bodywork is halfway decent - that the Compagno 110i might be just the ticket.

My poor google-fu does not so far find any Kymco user forums based in countries where the Compagno 110 is already on the street - if anyone has a link or a pointer, I'd appreciate that as well.

Hello, first post here.  Have had many different scooters over the years, and am very interested in the Kymco line.  My local Big Four dealer ostensibly handles Kymco, but never has anything on the floor except the 50s.

I do a lot of errands on crowded urban/suburban streets and occasional daytours out in the sticks - been looking for something with a little more pep than a 50, and came across announcements for the new Compagnp 110i.  I like the 'traditional' styling, but can find nothing on the 'Net by way of reviews except for the usual maker's press release stuff and bare specs.  A search here availed not.

Hasd the Compagnos been shipped?  Has anyone seen one?  Has anyone sat on one?  Has anyone bought one?  What's it like in the flesh?

Any and all info very much appreciated.

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