« on: January 27, 2013, 11:50:18 PM »
Hey folks, I've been living in the background, for a little while. This is my first scooter and my first post at a forum. I know you'll are busy, but I could really use some help. 3 weeks ago I bought a 2007 people 50 (2-stroke) w/ 4800 k looked and ran like new. Now it won't stay reved up, it will for about 20 seconds then die if I don't let off the throtle.It idles fine, I cleaned the keihin carb-youtube video-jets are 35 and 70,(it was spotless)turning screws on the carb does't effect it much,checked fuel filter,its acts like its running out of gas,but the bowl is full.Took the pipe off to look for obstructions,nothing although it seems very heavy. I managed to find lots written by Art and wordslinger about the ppl 50 but not this problem.Please know that anything I know about a scooter I've learned very recently so It may be somethig basic?The last thing I want to do is take it to our ONE kymco shop in town... one last thing I put 2 oz of sea foam cleaner in the gas tank, problem started about 50 miles latter? I'm at my witts end. Thanks for any help