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Messages - RichieJF

Pages: [1]
Agility 50 / Re: Continued stability/sliding issues
« on: February 15, 2013, 09:34:18 PM »
Oh no...I was fearing this might happen. Possibly time to trade in for spares & upgrade bike :(

Agility 50 / Continued stability/sliding issues
« on: February 15, 2013, 08:03:13 PM »
Hi all,

Posted on here before a couple of weeks back after a black ice crash.

Ever since then, my Agility has been very unstable. Garage did not find the wheels out of alignment, front suspension is not bent or broken.
The bike pulls and wants to slide even on a straight road. I have tried running my tires 1psi above the guidelines but still dangerous. I've tried it 2psi below the guideline but still slippy. No oil or petrol has touched the tyres and I take care to inspect the bike as much as possible.
However this morning I took another heavy slide which luckily did no damage whatsoever to the bike but threw me about 15m down the road. It was a right bend, the same as the black ice crash. It was the first time I had the courage to really turn it to one side and it lay down!!!

Please help; it's been to the garage twice since New Years' and I've run out of ideas as nothing seems to be wrong at all :(

Thank you!

Agility 50 / Do I have a dead scoot?
« on: January 30, 2013, 09:01:41 PM »
Hi everyone. New to the forum & from the UK.

Need some technical help on my Agility 50 (purchased 2010). It's been icy here recently & I had a very very gentle slide on Monday. My wing mirror and right indicator took a hit but have been replaced and working fine.

My scoot started up on Tuesday fine on both electric & kick. Come Wednesday, the electric start just ticks and has no life. Kick start has a little bit of life but very difficult to get anything.

My initial thoughts were the battery was dead & it's on charge overnight here...however I'm inclined to think it's also a spark plug problem.

My bike has had its rollers and drive belt replaced very recently as well as the engine cleaned/re-oiled about 9 months ago.

Many thanks for any help.

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