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Messages - MassPT

Pages: [1]
Thanks for your input ,,,But as much a drive up to Maine is always welcome from Portland restaurants,,,, to Mt Katahdin hiking
,,,I may be checking out a used Yager in Conn ,,,that I just found on-line this evening ( under 2 hours drive )

If I feel equally comfortable "in person",,,,as with the good specs & features I hear about (here)
,,,,,,I'll then think about finding / picking up a new one ,,, Do like having a full warranty !!!

Thanks again,,,,,,maybe we will meet "up country" when the weather gets warmer this summer,,,and I have a few miles experience
,,,,,Starting to think about joining the Local Boston Scooter Club,,,,,as they plan to do some group New England tours

Alright here I am,,,, completely new to the motorcycle/scooter world ( with just 40 avid years of non-motor biking,,,smiles ,,,I do like the open road ,,,and wind in my face )!!!
l Have been exploring the idea of getting a quality / reasonably priced mid-size scooter this past year ( to save gas doing local in-town errands / ,,,,, and general fun touring on mostly secondary roads > 50-60 mph top speed) .
By the conversations and reviews on-line,,,,the Kymco Yager would be ideal for my needs ,,,, I'm 5'10 - 175 lb,,,,occationally (20% of the time) might have my 100 lb lady share rides also !
The problem is ,,,,there does not seem to be any Yagers in the New England area,,,,,to check out ,,,or purchase ( I know they have stopped production on this model)
,,,,,,,though I would consider a vacation trip,,,driving my truck and picking one up in the mid-atlantic states ( seen some good prices around $2600 ),,,,,and then have a local Kymco dealer continue with the bike's service here around the Boston area !

My question to any friendly Yager owner here (in New England),,,, is if they might let me see their Yager locally? ( I would drive to them,,,at a convenient time for them of course ),,,,,,All to see if its worth me traveling south ,,,,to get my own Yager ?

Thanks  :D

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