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Messages - Griff

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General Discussion / Re: My first scoot, opinions?
« on: March 22, 2013, 12:15:12 PM »
Hound thx for letting me know the 500 would cover my needs.  That's the appeal.  Go anywhere with comfort.

I am in the US.  The dt's brought me to the shop.  Spec wise they are perfect for what I want.  Would even stretch my budget to buy one. The traditional style one made me feel very unstable.  No confidence sitting on it and I have quite a few miles on two wheels.  The sportier one, love it!  Sat on it and love was over.  It has one seating position and that's it.  Totally bums me out.  Price is in line with what you've seen de dee. 

Whole thing is kinda frustrating.  There are few options between little runaround scooters and big cruisers.  Maybe I will take a look at the dt's one more time.  Wish scooter makers understood that in North America folks want more than a 150cc motor offers but big cruisers are often overkill. 

General Discussion / Re: My first scoot, opinions?
« on: March 22, 2013, 02:58:19 AM »
They both pass the eye test Vivo.  The bv has never been prepped.  It seems frozen in time.  Tires appear ok, battery has no acid.  Thing is its been sitting for 3-4 years and never been run.  No idea what to look for other than what I can see and it looks fine.  My budget is 5k and I'm already past that on the 500.  I think it's the money that's holding me back.  Nether seems to be a deal that fairly reflects the 3 and 4 year depreciation I'm having to absorb.  While these are both considered new, I think I need more of a discount. 

Going to let him know he needs to get a little more aggressive as it will most likely be the best deal that wins out between the two.  I really want him to take my cash, but we aren't there on either.  Am I off base or are these prices fair?   ;D

General Discussion / My first scoot, opinions?
« on: March 22, 2013, 02:07:46 AM »
Hello there!

I am new to scooters, never ridden one actually.  I do have 30 years motorcyle experience under my belt however.  Always owned cruisers, ridden plenty of sort bikes as well. 

Decided to get a scoot this year to take the heat off my very thirsty truck.  Been shopping around for a month or so and the shop nearest me has bee accommodating, low pressure, and extremely honest and helpful. 

Use for my scoot....   Around town for me is semi rural.  For this reason alone I don't think a 150 is near enough.  Really need that midrange torque that I can only imagine is absent in a 150 set up.  Commute to work is 15 miles of very unpleasant highway plus 6-7 miles of 35-45 mph roads.  I don't have to take the highway, can do back roads instead.  Adds a solid 10 minutes to the commute though.  I actually strongly dislike highways even on large displacement cruisers I've had in the past.

2010 xciting 500 - 1300 miles, never titled demo.  Metal floor plates, dc outlet up front, shad box, upgraded rear spring.  5500 otd

2009 bv 250 - 2 miles, never titled.  He'd add the same shad box.   Mid 4 otd.

Both have full mfg warranty.  500 has been ridden recently, the bv has obviously not with 2 miles.  That the bv has sat so long worries me a bit.  Yes there is no wear on the bike but there is 4 years of age.  Should I fear what's happened during those first 1300 miles on the x500?  Dealer states he purchased from kymco.

I know they are two totally different animals, but they'd both do the job in completely different ways.  Basically, does one seem like a better deal?  Does one jump out at you guys?  If I knew scoots a little better I would feel more confident.  Thanks in advance. 


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