Xciting 250 / Re: Variator Rollers
« on: April 06, 2013, 01:11:56 AM »
I am a new registered member of this forum. I have been following this forum for probably five years, but this is my first post. I recently moved for a new job and that move leaves me with a 30 mile commute, mostly 4-lane highway travel. I was excited to be able to ride my Xciting 250 on the commute until I discovered that in order to keep up with traffic I was forcing my rpm's into the dreaded red zone. I was seriously thinking about selling the scoot and buying a motorcycle, but a scooter fits me (and my being). Then I read about the use of heavier roller weights/sliders on this forum and after much consideration (and against the recommendation of the local Kymco Dealer) I ordered a set of 22g. Dr. Pulley sliders. I installed them last night and commuted the 30 miles today. I don't want to overstate the difference, but I feel like I am riding a completely different scooter. Pick up from a dead start is immediate as opposed to a slight hesitation, over all pick up is better, and at 120km's/hr I have reduced my engine speed by 400 rpms! I now cruise at 120 km's/ hr at a comfortable 7,100 rpm's. I am ecstatic! Time will tell if this was the right decision, but at the moment I couldn't be happier. Thanks to all for your help!