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Messages - rmarmels

Pages: [1]
Technical | How To / Re: Battery Problems - Kymco 150
« on: April 10, 2013, 11:48:30 PM »
Its a Kymco People 150.  As far as I can tell, the battery is situated snugly in the holder.  The colored cables can barely reach the proper terminals (red-positive, black-negative) and they don't seem to connect properly. Its almost as if they built it for the red cable to connect to the negative terminal and vise versa.  But that can't be right.

I didn't take out the battery--my wife did (its her scooter).  So, I don't know exactly how it looked before, which is why I asked for the picture. 

Realize this write-up must sound dumb, but it is what it is.

Technical | How To / Battery Problems - Kymco 150
« on: April 09, 2013, 12:43:37 AM »
Bought my wife a Kymco 150 last year.  She removed the battery for the winter and went to put it back in yesterday.  That's when the problems started.

1.  For whatever reason, the black cable can't seem to reach, or properly fit on, the negative terminal on the battery.
2.  Likewise the red cable fits very awkwardly on the positive terminal.

In short, we can't fit the battery back in the case with the wires connected. We can connect the wrires to the seemingly proper terminal with the battery out of its case.  However, the cycle is not getting any power regardless.

The battery is fully charged, so that is not the problem.  The fuse also seems intact.  Any ideas?  Would appreciate it if someone could post a picture of a properly connected Kymco 150 battery.

This is our first brush with the Kymco brand and its disappointing.  I've had a Honda Nighhawk for years, removed the battery many times, and never encountered anything remotely like this.  This should be very simple, but its not.

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