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Messages - sixpac

Pages: [1]
Super 8 / Re: 400$ to mod my scoot, what should I get?
« on: April 28, 2014, 04:32:42 PM »
Cruel responders will reply a Honda but I'll spare you that,
My first scooter was a Yamaha BWS which was a supper unit. It went like a bomb but it didn't like my weight - 250Lb and the Montreal potholes ate up the tiny wheels.
I just did my 1000 Km check on my new '11 Super 2T. It carries me well and the 14 wheels are better for the holes but slllooowwwww!!!
My first move was a muffler and larger carb jet. No better. Next was new rollers - still no improvement. Rollers again and the top speed is now 50Km. It requires 1/2 throttle to get it moving by which time it's screaming, and it's no quicker. It's cost untold dollars and now all I want is for it to be back to original.
Because of the loud muffler and the high revs everyone assumes I want to drag them away from the light - and then I creep away. More than once I've been the subject of road rage. I can't blame them. They're pissed and so am I.   
Buy a GPS with the money.
Slow Bob

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