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Messages - teahead

Pages: [1]
People 50 / Re: Slow 2007 scooter. Don't know what's wrong
« on: May 21, 2013, 02:49:55 PM »
Thanks for the reply.

Any recommendations on exhaust?  For a fairly stock scooter?  ANd one that could still be good in case one would want to later put maybe a 70cc head kit on it?

I know hardly anything on scooters.  Would the rollers possibly have "flat spots"?  What's an ideal compression reading?

People 50 / Slow 2007 scooter. Don't know what's wrong
« on: May 05, 2013, 06:57:02 PM »
Okay, my wife's friend picked up a 2007 People 50 2T.  My wife has a 2006, same thing.

Not sure what's wrong, but her friend's 2007 is way slower than my wife's 2006.  The 2007 has a few more miles (like 1,000) total and the 2006 has like 250.

But the 2006 is way faster, pulls way more stronger, and goes up hills faster.

The 2006 is supposedly ALL STOCK, while the 2007 was supposedly derestricted.  Haven't torn it up apart to see if it has the derestrictor bushing in there.

I cleaned the 2007's carb.  No change.  I installed a new hi performance coil since the old one was bad.  I didn't do anything w/the CDI, but I"m just amazed how low on power the 2007 is compared to the 2006.

Any one have any ideas?


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