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Messages - GPF590

Pages: [1]
Xciting 500 / Found this on craigslist..I'm interested in it..Need feedback
« on: November 17, 2013, 08:48:17 PM »
Hi all,

I just found this listed on craigslist,

Looks interesting, do any of you have any feedback/info on this 2009 model.  I'm guessing that it's not fuel injected??

Thanks in advance

General Discussion / Re: Counter steering
« on: November 02, 2013, 08:32:13 PM »
Ok, now let's talk about countersteering through a curve versus swerving around something!  Stig's head to explode in 3-2-1.............

General Discussion / Re: Counter steering
« on: October 20, 2013, 12:44:22 PM »
I found myself countersteering today while making that sharp little u-turn during my motorcycle license test.  It's not something I thought about doing though.  It was a natural action/reaction. 

By the way, I PASSED THE TEST!!!! 

I hired someone to work with me for a couple of hours before the test and she prepped me very well.  The test was taken on a Honda Elite 250.  Nice little scooter - beat up as it was.

Here in PA the test, at least the one given at the end of the safety course, involves a double u-turn (figure eight) while staying within a lined area.  It is done at pretty low speeds and our rider coaches instructed us to use the technique of counterweighting rather than countersteering.  Later on in the test we did do cornering and that was at higher speeds and did involve countersteering.  I will say that the cornering part of the test was almost like a high speed u-turn, although not a full 180.

Now I'm getting myself all confused. :) 

I passed as well, btw. :)

General Discussion / Re: FLOOD!
« on: October 11, 2013, 10:13:03 PM »
In September of 2009, we were hit by a strong typhoon and flood waters in my home rose to around 15 feet... just an inch below our house's second floor...

Was that Hagupit, aka The Lash?  I was caught on the edge of that in Macau and my hotel lobby flooded about 3 feet, I can't imagine what the brunt of that was like!

Not sure of the name of the Typhoon, but I seem to remember Hagupit.  It was def. 2009 though.

General Discussion / Re: Triggering red lights.
« on: August 27, 2013, 12:36:17 PM »
Pennsylvania recently passed the law that after a reasonable wait, you can proceed with caution against the red light!

Hi Oldie........Would you happen to have a source link for this.  I googled for some info and couldn't find anything about the PA law, perhaps because it's so new? I also asked a police officer about it (at the local wawa) and he didn't know anything about it either.  Might be good to have something on paper to carry with you for a little bit until the law becomes common knowledge.  Thanks!

General Discussion / Re: Summer riding jackets?
« on: May 31, 2013, 08:07:33 PM »
Hi all.

Revzilla has the Coolpro on closeout for $99.95.  I just happened to be looking at it the other day as I am going to need a summer jacket, eventually.  Just got my learners permit yesterday and now I have to register for the PA safety course. Woot!

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