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Messages - pk5000

Pages: [1]
Agility 50 / Re: problem restarting a warm engine
« on: May 26, 2009, 12:32:46 AM »
so I thought I had this same problem tonight, rode 4 miles to the Post Office, parked, got the stink eye from a motorcycle driver also pulling up, went inside for 2 minutes, came out, no start...hmmm....tried, tried, tried.....

Got my wife to come pick me up, and after letting it cool down, tried to start it again....she walked up, pointed to the kill switch and asked what that was?  WTF? Someone had flipped it to it "no go" soon as I flipped it back, scooter problem solved...

I am assuming it was the motorcycle rider who was giving me the evil eye for daring to ride a scooter? I have never accidentally hit it so far....Now I know to check the switch if it doesn't start...

Anyone else come out from a store and have this happen?

Agility 50 / Re: Derestricting your Agility CDI
« on: April 29, 2009, 09:44:33 PM »
I have about 160 miles on it now....did the first oil change at 20 miles, it was pretty dirty, and a fair amount of metal shavings in the collection screen.....

My GPS says it will do 42 mph on a long flat straightaway.....I think that is all I can ask for, considering I am at least 225 pounds!

Agility 50 / Re: Derestricting your Agility CDI
« on: April 29, 2009, 09:41:17 PM »
I tried the new "race cdi" to make sure it worked with the Agility before selling it....and I think I will keep it.....the scooter starts much easier with it, than my derestricted factory one.   hmmmm      Before I had to give it a little gas each time to start it, now: one quick button push, no needed gas/ speed appears the same though.....

Agility 50 / Re: Derestricting your Agility CDI
« on: April 27, 2009, 04:42:47 PM »
Turns out, mine was de-restricted by the dealer!  (That is why I had no bag of goodies)

I already ordered a unrestricted Kymco CDI ($89 plus shipping)  and a boss clutch ($25 plus shipping) so if anyone wants them, I will be listing them on eBay, or email me doug01 at the gmail dot com   I will make you a good deal!

This turns out to be a case of good news bad news...the good news is I don't have to do anything!  The bad news is my scooter doesn't go up hills around here very well....Time to get the 125!

Agility 50 / Re: Derestricting your Agility CDI
« on: April 26, 2009, 03:53:54 PM »
I just bought a '09 Agility 50 with 7km on it...some guy near me won it in a radio contest, sold it on eBay to me for shall we say "less than retail value"

Bought it without ever riding one, but I did read thru this forum from start to finish....already noticed the cold start/ bogging issue this AM at 6:15 when I woke up to get it on the road....but it seemed to warm up quite fast (wasn't all that chilly this AM...this concerns me a bit, as I hoped to ride into Dec)

I have a couple good size hills near me, the bike is stock and drops to 20 mph on the steepest ones.....seems like I get 40 mph on the speedo, so I assume that is what 34...?

Bought a race CDI, waiting for it now....didn't want to notch mine to cut the wire....and I ordered the boss clutch thing to install.....although I have no power tools....maybe I can borrow.

Hoping these two things help out in overall speed and hill climbing ability....otherwise, nice ride, and I like the look of it, now that I stripped it of all it's "racing stickers".

I decided to go with the: hard break in on the engine after reading around...anyone else go this route with this scooter? 

I can already see that I want more power, time to take this for my motorcycle license, sell it, and buy the 125....

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