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Messages - Jsquared

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Agility 50 / NO SPark
« on: July 30, 2013, 11:50:11 PM »
Help I have no spark changed ignition coil cdi box grounds are good checked reckecked and replaced!! I used a light tester just to see if i was getting power to ignition coil i am but still no spark so I decided to ground out one end of the light tester and stick the other end in the sparkplug wire hole it flickers when I turn the bike over so I am guessing it is getting power but why no spark? it is my understanding the cdi box tells the ignition coil when to send spark so maybe I have two badd cdi boxes?

We took the bike to the beach today when trying to go over the bridge which is a pretty good hill for being on the beach in NC the bike barely made it to the top it kept losing more and more power when it got to the top and crested the hill it ran better which gave me an idea put the bike on its stand so it is leaning forward and see if it makes a difference and sure enough if my bike is on a decline it runs better. I have no clue what that means anyone???

Agility 50 / A little oil in the air filter housing?
« on: July 20, 2013, 03:42:43 PM »
I noticed there was a little oil residue in my air filter housing is that a problem or a sighn or symptom to what could be making the bike bog down?

Agility 50 / Re: How do i get more air to the engine?
« on: July 20, 2013, 03:41:37 PM »
Oh ya just a little info that might help anyone trying to help me figure this out. The guy I bought the cab from  has a 70cc and a 100cc bore kit if my engine is running to lean would putting one of those on maybe help?

Agility 50 / Re: How do i get more air to the engine?
« on: July 20, 2013, 03:35:23 PM »
It is an agility 50 cc 2007 the new carb I put on is a 19mm the old was 17mm the crazy thing about the carb is I have no idea what size jets they are being that the guy guy I bought it from works at a scooter shop putting together scooters and had two left over. He said it was the same as the one in my bike just a little bigger 2mm I am not that crazy about changing the jets I will if I have to, But I am a little squeemish sees being the last carb I worked on I had to replace completley because I had not a clue what I was doing I leaned alot though lol.I actually just sent him a text asking what kind of bike model year ect the carb was made for hopefully with a little research I can figure it out.

You can't get more air to the engine with out changing to a bigger carb but you can lean out the mixture by changing the jets and/or needle position of the existing carb.  You need to be able to run with the air cleaner.  Odd that is is hard to start cold if the mixture is too rich though...An engine can bog down if the mixture is too lean also...But then the air cleaner removal should have made it worse.  I had a snowmobile that had a mouse nest in the muffler that plugged it up and so that one acted weird too. I would try to pinch off the fuel line to the carb and see if the engine starts to perform better when the carb bowl gets low on fuel.  If it runs good for the few seconds before the bowl runs out of fuel then you are getting too rich of a fuel mixture.  That would simulate smaller jets.  What scoot are you working on?  Good luck.

Agility 50 / How do i get more air to the engine?
« on: July 20, 2013, 04:59:31 AM »
Let me give you a brief history of what I have done to this bike in the last three weeks.
 new carb and fuel filter replaced lines to petcock new gear oil and new motor oil. Thought I had bad gas treated it with heet. I have checked all vaccuum lines and they seem to be fine. The one comming from the crank shaft side that is goes directly in the crank case looks like it could use a little help but it is not leaking as of yet unnless it is too small for me to notice.
Symptoms now. Bike bogs down a little when I go from 0 to full throttle. It was bogging down alot before I took the air filter out. It is still bogging down a little now though . How can I get more air to the motor?

I got the bike running and it was bogging down it seems to be getting fuel so I took the air filter off less bogging but I also put heet in the fuel tank because I thought I had bad gas. Oh ya hard to start to unless bike is warm already. Tonight I changed the petcock airline and tightened some other lines and decided I would put the air filter back in. The bike would bore down horribly. II took it out and it wasn't so bad it is still bogging a little but not even a 1/4 as bad as it was with the air filter. Easy enough I need a new air filter but ... it is still bogging with the air filter off not a lot but enough for me to notice so? I am thinking the bike needs more air how do I accomplish this

Agility 50 / Re: Carberator issues
« on: July 20, 2013, 04:55:34 AM »
Okay, lets take this bit by bit. :)

The easiest thing to check is the vacuum valve, which is the thingy below the tank. You were doing somewhat right when you sucked the vacuum hose, but this time, dont expect to get air, but instead suck in pulses like you would expect the engine to do. :D
If no fuel comes out the other line, remove the fuel filter. If still no fuel comes, you have either got damaged vacuum lines or the vacuum valve is not functioning or is clogged. :)

There is also a fuel filter inside the tank to make sure that big things does not cover the hole, but this can gather dirt at the bottom if you have ever run dry, and if the fuel level is low, then this is clogged. :)
I got the bike running and it was bogging down it seems to be getting fuel so I took the air filter off less bogging but I also put heet in the fuel tank because I thought I had bad gas. Oh ya hard to start to unless bike is warm already. Tonight I changed the petcock airline and tightened some other lines and decided I would put the air filter back in. The bike would bore down horribly. II took it out and it wasn't so bad it is still bogging a little but not even a 1/4 as bad as it was with the air filter. Easy enough I need a new air filter but ... it is still bogging with the air filter off not a lot but enough for me to notice so? I am thinking the bike needs more air how do I accomplish this?

Agility 50 / Bike running good ...After
« on: July 16, 2013, 12:10:54 AM »
so after new spark plug letting and new carb. Bike was bogging down thought I might have some bad gas. I put some heet in a new tank of premium gas just to get the little bit of water I might have not gotten out and took air filter off. Bike is running way beter sooo..... I am going to put the air filter back on tomorrow and see if it starts to bog down again. Oh ya it was running a little heavy on oil so I drained a bit. If it stays running good its off to the bore kit and unrestricted drive boss maybe. I am not wanting to adjust too much by putting the bore kit on. What all adjustments will have to be made after the timing?
And thanks again everyone for all the help!!

Agility 50 / Re: Buying a new carc
« on: July 14, 2013, 12:06:22 AM »
UPDATE I asked the guy about the carb jetting and he told me (not sure should be the same as stock)  I do know this he workd at a scooter/ moped shop.. Thats where he got the carb from and it was brand new.

Agility 50 / Re: Buying a new carc
« on: July 13, 2013, 11:53:05 PM »
I have the tank down to less than a quarter tank I was trying to drain out as little as possible sees being I am going to have to ride it to the store to put gas in it but that is my next step getting rid of old gas putting in new gas and if no change taking off the air filter to let a little more air in and seein if that makes a change. Oh ya the new carb was a 19mm old was 17mm
First of all thanks to everyone in helping me with this bike I got the new carb had a couple minor issues Like needing a new spark plug from me trying to get it to start over and over but I finally got the bike started!!!! Especially thanks to you Blue you always seem to have somehting to add butt I do have a new issue ha ha ha the bike doesn't want to take off I mean I can get it going after a while but it takes off very slow and soetimes acts like I am giving it no gas at all even thoughI have it at full throttle... I remember reading something someone else wrote about this and am about to scan through the forum. I borrowed some gas from my  neighbor and it has  been rainging like crazy maybe I have water in my gas? I have almost got the whole tank to e and am going to put some high end gas in it. Checking fule line for kinks air line seems to be good not sure what to do next air filter isn't all that dirty either.

Agility 50 / Re: Buying a new carc
« on: July 13, 2013, 09:59:33 PM »
I wonder about those carbs for sale, like what jets are in them, i think you wnt to make sure the diameters are all the same and they have the same jets as your old carb (stock is 35 slow jet, 82 main)

just fyi I never rebuilt my carb, my scoot sat for 5 years i took the carb off and with carb cleaner and compressed air i cleaned it, took off one thing at a time blew out all holes put it all back together. wasnt that bad took 10-15 min and there was a youtube video i could watch if i wasn't sure of anything

the slow jet was a little hard to clean since the hole is so small, wife had this thin crafting wire that fit through and got the crud out

but over all it wasnt that bad, im glad i didn't buy a new carb now

First of all thanks to everyone in helping me with this bike I got the new carb had a couple minor issues Like needing a new spark plug from me trying to get it to start over and over but I finally got the bike started!!!! Especially thanks to you Blue you always seem to have somehting to add butt I do have a new issue ha ha ha the bike doesn't want to take off I mean I can get it going after a while but it takes off very slow and soetimes acts like I am giving it no gas at all even thoughI have it at full throttle... I remember reading something someone else wrote about this and am about to scan through the forum. I borrowed some gas from my  neighbor and it has  been rainging like crazy maybe I have water in my gas? I have almost got the whole tank to e and am going to put some high end gas in it. Checking fule line for kinks air line seems to be good not sure what to do next air filter isn't all that dirty either.

Agility 50 / Buying a new carc
« on: July 11, 2013, 11:14:48 PM »
I am shopping for a new carb and was wondering if any of you knew of any good deals I found one on ebay brand new 49.95 I was also wondering since all I am going to have to do is throw in the new carb would this be a good time for an upgrade and what should I go with. I can basicly hook up the carb I don't want to try to rebuild another one it was a real pain and although I learned alot I don't waant to go through all that again!

Agility 50 / Re: Carberator issues
« on: July 10, 2013, 12:56:39 AM »
ok everything is hoked up no leaks my issue now is that very little fuel seems to be getting pushed to the fuel filter  there fore very little fuel is getting to the motor it almost started once I am charging battery now oh ya and yes blue it is a cv carb another thing I am not sure the name of the part but it is the thing that sits under the gas tank that has two tubes comming from it one is for fuel on is for air I took the one for air and tried to suck air through it and couldnt get anything out of it at all shouldnt it allow me to suck air through the tube? if I can't get air from it how can the carb? Thanks for all the help I think one of my problems is I am not sure even where to start with the adjustment screw on the carb

Agility 50 / Re: Carberator issues
« on: July 09, 2013, 10:55:27 PM »
OK on the bottom of the carberaotr there is a valve that looks like a tube should be hooked up to it its on the over flow valve its under that when I try to start the moped gas squirts out of that tube

Agility 50 / Carberator issues
« on: July 07, 2013, 07:05:16 PM »
I took off the carb thinking it was an easy take apart and put back together project well i got it all done but there are still two open ports on the carb I know for sure one of them isthe over flow but the one on the bottom of the carb what is that? If anyone knows of a goood site or maunual that willl step by step me throught the assembly process of the carb that would be great. I am lost to the gas/ air screws too not sure how tight or loose to make em. Help me pleas

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