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Messages - ibuprofelin

Pages: [1]
Agility 50 / Re: 2013 Agility Derestriction
« on: June 28, 2013, 07:23:08 PM »
I appreciate the post streido. Turns out they derestrict it in the shop for you before selling it. Just bought mine today, goes 44 mph right out of the box (literally, it was assembled today). Cost $1700 including a 2 year warranty, TTT, and an $80 motorcycle helmet.

Agility 50 / Re: 2013 Agility Derestriction
« on: June 24, 2013, 11:51:31 PM »
And the dealer has a wonderful special on the 50cc version at the moment, which is why I'm buying.

Agility 50 / Re: 2013 Agility Derestriction
« on: June 24, 2013, 11:50:15 PM »
I'm all for getting a motorcycle endorsement on my license if necessary. I cannot afford a 125 cc (or above) scooter. I'm starting medical school in a month and wanted something to save gas on the 7 mile commute to the hospital rather than driving my truck or my wife's car. A vast number of people in Gainesville drive scooters, and like I said, most of the roads are speed limits posted under 30mph. There's one avenue I would be on which is 45 mph, which is the only reason I would want it derestricted, period.

Agility 50 / 2013 Agility Derestriction
« on: June 24, 2013, 10:33:02 PM »
I'm sure this has been asked many times, I've hunted through the forums but haven't seen too much on the 2013 model of the Agility 50. I'm planning on purchasing one this coming Wednesday and plan on using it only around town, never on a road that has a speed limit of more than 45 mph. I live in a pretty flat area too so that isn't much of an issue.

I've seen that cutting the CDI for the 2013 might not make a difference. Should I start there and see what happens?

Would the next step be replacing the boss to an unrestricted one?

Is there a restriction in the exhaust pipe too that I would have to take out (such as a washer limiting air flow)?

Mostly I'm not too sure how different the 2013 version is from the other versions, and want to make sure I'll be doing this right. Thanks a bunch all.

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