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Messages - Monty33

Pages: [1] 2
Technical | How To / Re: Why I wear gloves
« on: June 03, 2014, 08:28:28 PM »
Still, the most important piece of gear when riding is a good pair of glasses.  Ever get hit square in the lense by a bee?  I have, and there's no way I would not have crashed if I caught that right in the eye.  Can't understand all the nitwits I see up in Maine riding with no glasses on.

Technical | How To / Re: whats needed to derestrict like 50cc 4t
« on: June 03, 2014, 08:25:54 PM »
So, I called Kymco USA today to ask them what the best way to derestrict a Sento 50 was (or some way to just get a few more mph out of one).  Their technical department told me that, for liability reasons, they could not tell me directly but that I should check out this forum (although it is not sanctioned by Kymco).
They also said that my dealer could call them to find out the best way to derestrict the Sento.  They just won't tell a consumer directly.

So posters....what is the best way?

Technical | How To / Re: whats needed to derestrict like 50cc 4t
« on: June 02, 2014, 06:43:23 PM »
So, aside from the amusing banter going on within this string....did we ever get a good answer?
My wife has a 2009 Sento 50cc and it only goes about 28mph.  I've got to do something to get just a few more mph out of it.
What's the best (most simple) way to do that?  I can replace a CDI if that'll work.  But, more complicated things like upjetting are out of my technical league.

Any realistic help would be appreciated.

Super 8 150 / Re: Super 8 150 light cutting off when acelelrating
« on: October 24, 2013, 08:19:32 PM »
Just an update to my issue of headlights turning off when above idle.

From the threads on the issue, it could have been the CDI or the Light Control Module (LCM).  I bought a new CDI online for $75, but that didn't fix the issue.
Finally had to bring it to a shop and then replaced the LCM.  That fixed the issue....although I haven't picked the scooter up yet.

General Discussion / Re: Just a joke.
« on: October 24, 2013, 08:13:44 PM »
Thanks for that joke.  It gave me a good laugh on an otherwise unfunny day....

General Discussion / Re: 2009 Super 8 150 Headlight Issue--Unresolved
« on: October 24, 2013, 08:12:09 PM »
Just thought I'd give an update to this headlight issue.
I finally had to break down and bring my scooter to a shop about 30 miles away.  They diagnosed the issue of the headlights turning off above idle and fixed it by replacing the Light Control Module.

From reading other posts on this issue, there was a 50/50 chance that it was either the LCM or the CDI causing the issue.  After ordering a new CDI online for $75, I got no resolution.  Guess I should have ordered the LCM!

Oh's fixed now so I can get my first inspection sticker in two years.

Hey, I got this one from
Hope it helps.

Super 8 150 / Re: Headlights
« on: September 04, 2013, 05:40:17 PM »
Yeah....I'd really like to know how to fix this headlight problem since I can't ride at night (not that I did too much anyway) and I'm riding with an expired inspection sticker.

I don't have a dealer anywhere near me, so I'm on my own as far as fixing this issue.  I'm handy enough to replace parts, but no so much if it comes to rewiring the scooter to fix the problem.

Somebody please help.....

Super 8 150 / Re: Headlights
« on: September 03, 2013, 06:06:01 PM »
Hello...I too have this same issue with my 2009 Super 8 150.  My lights only work when the scooter is idling and go off as soon as I rev it up to take off.
I've had my own thread on here about the issue, and read some of the others.  I still have not seen a concensus as to what the real problem/solution is.  I know a lot of you are more technically/electrically inclined than I am, but there must be a fairly simple solution to this issue....I hope anyway.
I just replaced my CDI...and unfortunately that was not the issue.  $79 wasted.
To avoid wasting another $70 on a light control box, I'm hoping somebody has a solution that doesn't involve rewiring the scooter or bypassing the normal set-up. (which I understand doesn't work well on the US bikes).

Any easy solutions to this light problem?

Super 8 150 / Re: Super 8 150 light cutting off when acelelrating
« on: July 29, 2013, 07:31:26 PM »
So Sentinex...what was the verdict at the dealer?  I have this issue as well and don't seem to see a concensus as to the cause/solution.  I don't want to replace the CDI if it's the Light Control and vice-versa.

I'm not really an electrical whiz, so I'd rather not have to by-pass anything if I can just replace the correct part.

Also...anybody have suggestions on where to best buy Kymco replacement parts online.  Dealer is too far away for me.  (2009 Super 8 150)

General Discussion / Re: What are you wearing on your scoot?
« on: July 12, 2013, 01:33:55 PM »
My wife and I mostly ride our scooters (Sento 50 and Super 8 150) around a beach town where we spend weekends.  The nice thing is that there are so many scooters around, and the speed limit is mostly 25-30mph on all roads.
So, I usually just wear shorts, t-shirt, sneakers and a bike helmet.  Wife likes longer pants and a half helmet.
We know we could be safer, but it's usually quite warm when we're buzzing around town or we're on our way to the beach or something.

General Discussion / Re: 2009 Super 8 150 Headlight Issue--Unresolved
« on: July 11, 2013, 01:03:09 PM »
Thanks alot MotoRandy.  I hadn't seen that particular thread on this problem before, but it helps with my decision to just try a new CDI. (and check the fuses again).

Any suggestions on the best place to buy one online?

General Discussion / Re: 2009 Super 8 150 Headlight Issue--Unresolved
« on: July 10, 2013, 07:04:33 PM »
Found the wiring diagram...not much use to me...
Had to copy and paste into excel because file was too big to upload.

General Discussion / Re: 2009 Super 8 150 Headlight Issue--Unresolved
« on: July 10, 2013, 03:46:08 PM »
I have checked the battery cable connections and there is no issue there.  They are tight and the battery is new and clean.
I had also heard it might be the light control box, but didn't want to replace it unless I was sure that would fix the problem.  Wouldn't want to spend the money and then find out that I really needed a new CDI.

Thanks for your responses...

Anybody else have experience with this issue?

Also...where is the best place to order Kymco parts online?

General Discussion / 2009 Super 8 150 Headlight Issue--Unresolved
« on: July 09, 2013, 01:41:57 PM »
Hello all...I'm new to the forum and hope some more experienced members can help me out.  I've seen a couple of threads on this topic, but with no real resolution posted so I thought I'd start my own.
I have a 2009 Super 8 150.  Recently, when I start it up, the headlights work.  But as soon as I give it some gas and begin to ride, then the lights go out.  They come back on when I'm stopped and idling.
I've seen a couple of posts saying that it might be the headlight coil, or the CDI, and some other suggestions.
From what I understand, this is a common issue with this scooter model.  Does anybody know what the real cause of this problem is?
Please bear in mind that I'm not very technichal when it comes to engines or electrical problems...but I'm sure I could replace a part or two with guidance.

Thanks in advance for any help....

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